NWC REU 2005
May 30 - August 6



Weather Awareness among Hispanics in Oklahoma City, OK

Aisha Muhammad, David Andra Jr., Richard Smith, Mike Foster
Survey in English
Survey in Spanish



This study investigates public weather awareness within the Hispanic population of Oklahoma City by gathering information on how, when and where hazardous weather information is received, understood and acted upon by the Spanish-speaking community. In evaluating and assessing the credibility and availability of Spanish weather information, this study will attempt to uphold a null hypothesis which states that there is a significant difference in the availability and perception of hazardous weather information based upon the Spanish-speaking demographics of age, gender, education, time of residency and primary language spoken at home. A survey was publicized by radio, online and distributed in person at a local community center. Statistical models were intended to show the distribution of Spanish-speaking demographics in relation to knowledge of weather awareness. At the end of a two-week period, 35 surveys were completed and an assessment was performed. Results suggest that a larger sample size and an unbiased, random systematic test would be required to perform a statistical analysis; however, the descriptive results given provide insight to weather awareness and Hispanic communications.

Full Paper [PDF]