LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/mpi/intel/openmpi-1.4.3-qlc/lib64:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2011_sp1.6.233/compiler/lib/intel64/: ############################################################### ############################################################### ##### ##### ##### Welcome to ##### ##### ##### ##### The Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS) ##### ##### ##### ##### Version 5.3 ##### ##### ##### ##### Developed by ##### ##### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ##### ##### University of Oklahoma ##### ##### ##### ############################################################### ############################################################### The model begins by reading a number of control parameters, which are specified in namelist format through the standard input stream (unit 5). See the ARPS Users Guide and the sample input file, arps.input, for guidance on specifying these parameters At the end of all parameter input, a log file is produced which can be directly used as the input file when you want to replicate the same job. This file is named runnam.log.nn where runnam is a standard prefix for all output files that are produced by this job and nn is a number appended to the file name when file runnam.log.nn-1 already exists. Waiting namelist from standard input ... ======================================== Namelist block grid_dims sucessfully read. nx = 451 ny = 459 nz = 28 Namelist block message_passing sucessfully read. Number of processors in the x-direction is: 8 Number of processors in the y-direction is: 24 Maximum number of files open: 192 Namelist block comment_lines sucessfully read. Namelist block jobname sucessfully read. The name of this run is: em2015122802 Namelist block model_configuration sucessfully read. The run mode is: 1 Namelist block initialization sucessfully read. The initial local time for this run is year-mo-dy:hr:mn:ss = 2015-12-28.00:00:00 Perturbation option was 1 The magnitude of the initial perturbation 1 is 4.000 K. The input radii of the thermal bubble are 0.100E+05 0.100E+05 0.150E+04 (m) in x, y and z direction respectively, and the center is located at x= 0.480E+05 y= 0.160E+05 z= 0.150E+04 (m). tsfc option was 0 The two time level restart data to be read in is may20.rst003600 The history dump type restart data format was 3 The t-dependent history dump format restart data to be read is may20.hdf003600 The base state/grid history dump format restart data to be read is may20.hdfgrdbas Sounding file to be used is may20.snd Namelist block nudging sucessfully read. The nudging assimilation option was 0 Nudging assimilation start: 6.00 Nudging assimilation stop: 300.00 Nudging assimilation interval: 15.00 Nudging assimilation gain: 1.00 The nudging increment file is dummy Namelist block terrain sucessfully read. The mountain type option was 1 The height of mountain is 0.000 (m). The input half-width of bell-shaped mountain are 0.100E+05 0.100E+05 (m) in x and y direction respectively, and the center is located at x= 0.100E+05 y= 0.100E+05 (m). The terrain option was 2 The terrain data file is casa_anal_dfw_2015.trnhdf The terrain data file format is 3 Namelist block grid sucessfully read. Input dx was 400.000 meters Input dy was 400.000 meters The stretch option was 1 Input dz was 600.000 meters Input ctrlat was 32.810 degrees North Input ctrlon was -97.000 degrees East domain origin option was 0 dzmin is 20.000 meters zrefsfc is 0.000 meters dlayer1 is 0.000 meters dlayer2 is 10000.000 meters zflat is 12000.000 meters Namelist block projection sucessfully read. Input mapproj was 2 Input trulat1 was 32.000 degrees North Input trulat2 was 34.000 degrees North The latitude of the center of the model domain was 32.810 The longitude of the center of the model domain was -97.000 Input trulon was -97.000 degrees East Input sclfct was 0.10000E+01 The option for map factor was 1 The option for map factor term in u and v advection was 1 Namelist block timestep sucessfully read. The big timestep was 2.000 seconds. The model startup time was 0.000 seconds. The termination time was 0.000 seconds. Namelist block acoustic_wave sucessfully read. The sound speed option was 1 The reduction factor for sound speed was 0.500 The constant sound speed was 150.000 m/s. The vertical implicit integration option for w and p equations was 1 The option for potential temperature equation integrationwas 0 The time average coefficient for vertically implicit solver was 0.750 The input small timestep was 1.000 seconds. The actual small time step size to be used is 1.000 seconds. Namelist block equation_formulation sucessfully read. The option for pressure equation formulation was 1 Namelist block numerics sucessfully read. The option for time integration was 1 The option for momentum advection was 2 The option for scalar advection was 2 Namelist block boundary_condition_options sucessfully read. The lateral boundary conditions were set to external forced. All lateral boundary conditions will be reset to 5 accordingly. The boundary options are: 5 for west boundary, 5 for east boundary, 5 for south boundary, 5 for north boundary. The boundary options are: 1 for top boundary, 1 for bottom boundary. The upper boundary fft transform option is: 2 The radiation boundary condition option was 4 The constant gravity phase speed used by radiation lateral boundary condition option 2 was 300.000000 The relaxation coefficient used at the inflow boundaries is 0.500000 rbc_plbc = 1 Option for pressure detrending was 0 Namelist block exbcpara sucessfully read. The initial external boundary time string was 1977-05-2 The time interval to update external boundary conditions was 3600 The number of boundary relaxation zone grids was 12 The real grid number where BC relaxation is half weighted was 0.48000002E+01 The magnitude of the boundary relaxation damping was 0.50000001E-01 The external boundary file format was 3 Namelist block coriolis_force sucessfully read. The Coriolis term option was 4 The earth curvature option was 0 The flag for Coriolis formulation was 1 Namelist block turbulence sucessfully read. The turbulence option was 4 The isotropic turbulence option was 0 The 1.5 order TKE option was 3 The implicit treatment of vertical mixing option was 1 The nondimensional turbulent prandtl number was 0.330 The constant mixing coeff was 0.000 The parameter used to limit km was 1.000 The PBL parameterization option was 4 Namelist block computational_mixing sucessfully read. The second order computational mixing option was 0 The coeff for second order horizontal mixing was 0.00000E+00 The coeff for second order vertical mixing was 0.40000E-03 The fourth order computational mixing option was 1 The coeff for fourth order horizontal mixing was 0.15000E-02 The coeff for fourth order vertical mixing was 0.15000E-02 The c-mixing reduction factor for scalars was 0.10000E+01 The c-mix monotonic option was 0 Namelist block divergence_damping sucessfully read. The acoustic wave damping option was 2 The non-dimensional divergence damping coeff was 0.050 for horizontal and 0.050 for vertical Namelist block rayleigh_damping sucessfully read. The rayleigh damping option was 2 The rayleigh damping coeff was 0.20000E-02 The altitude of base of rayleigh damping was 0.12000E+05 Namelist block asselin_time_filter sucessfully read. The non-dimensional coeff of asselin time filter was 0.50000E-01 Namelist block microphysics sucessfully read. The microphysics option was 2 And the microphysics will be called every 1 time steps. DSD preference was 0 Cloud number concentration was 0.10000E+09 Rain DSD intercept parameters was 0.80000E+07 Snow DSD intercept parameters was 0.30000E+07 Graupel DSD intercept parameters was 0.40000E+06 Hail DSD intercept parameters was 0.40000E+05 Ice density was 0.50000E+03 Snow density was 0.10000E+03 Graupel density was 0.40000E+03 Hail density was 0.91300E+03 Rain shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Ice shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Snow shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Graupel shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Hail shape parameter was 0.00000E+00 Graupel initiation option was 1 Hail initiation option was 1 Microphysics thermal diagnostic option was 0 The moist phyics option was 1 The convective cumulus option was 0 The sub-saturation option was 0 The K-F rainwater feedback option was 0.00000 The K-F sub-saturation trigger was kfsubsattrig= 0 The vertical motion was 0.00500 The frequency of conv. para. updated in seconds was 120.00000 The frequency of grid para. updated in seconds was 120.00000 The downdraft flag was 1 The vertically implicit fall velocity option was 0 The fall velocity option was 1 The threshold of RH for condensation to occur: rhsat = 0.80000 The threshold of RH for a grid size of dx_rhsatmin: rhsatmin = 0.80000 The grid size for condensation to occur (RH=rhsatmin): dx_rhsatmin = 50000.00000 The grid size for condensation to occur (RH=100%): dx_rhsat100 = 5000.00000 rhsat for model integration is re-adjusted to 1.00000 Namelist block concentration sucessfully read. The concentration option was 0 Number of release points was 1 Number of emission points 1 Release point Emitted Emitted time No. icc jcc kcc Concentrat. sta. end. ---- ---- ---- ---- ----------- ---- ---- 1 85 83 2********** 720010800 Namelist block radiation sucessfully read. The radiation phyics option was 2 The radiation staggering option was 1 The option for longwave schemes was 1 The option to compute the shade was 0 The Time interval to update the radiation forcing was 600.00000 The radiation diagnostic output option was 0 Radiation physics will be calculated every 300 time steps Namelist block surface_physics sucessfully read. The surface physics option was 4 The land/water option was 1 The constant water cdh option was 0 The user specified drag coeff for momentun over land was 0.003 The user specified drag coeff for momentun over water was 0.001 The user specified drag coeff for heat over land was 0.003 The user specified drag coeff for heat over water was 0.001 The user specified drag coeff for moisture over land was 0.002 The user specified drag coeff for moisture over water was 0.001 The option for determining PBL depth was 2 The user specified PBL depth was 1400.000 The PBL length scale 0.250 The flux distribution option was 0 The heat and moisture distribution option was 1 Namelist block soil_ebm sucessfully read. For non-stretched case, dzmin was reset to dz. The stretch option was 0 Input nzsoil was 2 levels Input dzsoil was 1.000 meters Input zrefsoil was 0.000 meters soildzmin is 1.000 meters soildlayer1 is 0.000 meters soildlayer2 is 1.000 meters The surface data input option was 2 The soil model forced option was 0 The soil scheme input option was 1 The surface initial data input option was 2 Since soilmodel_option = 1, nzsoil is set to 2 and dzsoil is set to 1.0 The time step for surface energy budget model was 2.000 The surface soil type is 3 The surface vegtation type is 10 The leaf area index is 0.310 The user specified land surface roughness was 0.010 The user specified vegetation fraction was 0.300 The option for the soil scheme being forced is 0 The soil scheme is 1 The number of soil layers are 2 The average soil layer depth is 1.000 The reference height of the soil depth is 0.000 The initial ground level soil potential temperature over land is 293.000 The initial ground level soil potential temperature over water is 288.000 The canopy moisture is 0.000 The snow depth is 0.000 The offset of top soil layer from surface air temperature is 0.000 The offset of bottom soil layer from surface air temperature is 0.000 The saturation ratio of surface soil moisture is 0.700 The saturation ratio of deep soil moisture is 0.700 nstyps = 9 Option for including seasonal deep and skin layer temperature offset in the two-layer soil model Your choice is 0 The amplitude of the annual cycle of the difference (offset) in deep and skin layer soil seasonal-mean temperatures is 2.500 Namelist block grdtrans sucessfully read. Cell tracking option was 0 The grid translation option was 0 The domain translation speed in x was 0.000 The domain translation speed in y was 0.000 The depth of domain to check for grid translation was 2500.000 The time window for updating umove and vmove was 300.000 Cell tracking interval was 120.000 Cell-tracking routine will be called every 60 time steps. Cell restore time was 1800.000 Namelist block history_dump sucessfully read. The history dump option was 1 The history dump format was 3 Number of bits in packing GRIB dump data was 16 HDF4 compression option was 5 The history dump time interval was 300.000 seconds The history dump starting time was 0.000 seconds History data dumps will be produced every 150 time steps after the first 0 time steps where tttttt (if any) stands for the time of the data in seconds. Namelist block output sucessfully read. Grid and Base file output is 1. Formatted printout time interval was 0.000 seconds. Formatted printing is switched off. The flag to dump out ARPS array into EXBC fields was 0 The flag for HDF4 compression was 5 The flag to dump out ARPS surface data files was 0 The flag to dump out ARPS soil data files was 3 The flag to dump out an ARPS terrain data file was 0 The input grid coordinate dump option was 1 The input base state array dump option was 0 The input mass-velocity array dump option was 1 The input non-ice water array dump option was 1 The input rain array dump option was 0 The input precipitation rates array dump option was 1 The input ice array dump option was 1 The input TKE dump option was 0 The input eddy mixing coeff dump option was 0 The soil variable dump option was 1 The surface property array dump option was 1 The radiation arrays dump option was 1 The surface fluxes dump option was 1 The qc EXBC dump option was 0 The qr EXBC dump option was 0 The qi EXBC dump option was 0 The qs EXBC dump option was 0 The qh EXBC dump option was 0 The qg EXBC dump option was 0 Concentration number EXBC dump option was 0 Reflectivity EXBC dump option was 0 Specify the time interval between restart data dumps (s): Time interval between restart dumps was 3600.000 seconds Restart data files em2015122802.rsttttttt will be produced every 1800 time steps where tttttt stands for the time of the data in seconds. Interval between max/min calculations was 300.000 seconds Max. min. statistics are calculated every 150 time steps. and the results are written into file em2015122802.maxmin Interval between energy stats calculations was 0.000 Energy statistics calculations are switched off. Image dump option was 1 Image dump interval was 60.000 Data files for images will be written every 30 time steps. Plotting option was 0 Plotting interval was 600.000 Plotting routine will be called every 300 time steps. File compression option was 0 Namelist block debug sucessfully read. The debug printing level was 0 ======================================= Processor nx = 59 Processor ny = 22 Input dtsml = 1.00000, Adjusted dtsml = 1.00000 Waiting ADAS namelist from standard input ... ======================================== Namelist block incr_out sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_const sucessfully read. Namelist block adjust sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_radaropt sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_cloud sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_typ sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_range sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_kpvar sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_zrange sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_thrng sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_trnrng sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_backerf sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_sng sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_ua sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_radar sucessfully read. Namelist block adas_retrieval sucessfully read. Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. Waiting namelist EXTDFILE from standard input ... ======================================== &extdfile dir_extd = 'extm/', extdname = 'nam12grb2', extdopt = 16, extdfmt = 0, nextdfil = 2, extdtime(01) = '2015-12-28.00:00:00+000:00:00', extdtime(02) = '2015-12-28.00:00:00+003:00:00', iboxs = 0, iboxe = -1, jboxs = 0, jboxe = -1, iorder = 2, intropt = 1, nsmooth = 2, hydradj = 0, wndadj = 2, obropt = 12, obrzero = 12000.0000, ext_lbc = 0, ext_vbc = 0, exttrnopt = 0, extntmrg = 12, extsfcopt = 0, grdbasopt = 1, i2dfmt = 0, outheader = 'data2d/nam.2008030300', &END READSPLITTRN: reading in external supplied terrain data from file casa_anal_dfw_2015.trnhdf HDFRD2D: Reading variable hterain ...... Minimum and maximum terrain height: htrnmin = 0.756482E+02, htrnmax= 0.373940E+03 ARPS domain NW: ( 33.63, -97.97) NE: ( 33.63, -96.03) SW: ( 31.98, -97.95) SE: ( 31.98, -96.05). The base state is formed from a mean sounding created with a 50.00 meter interval. Will read in the following tiles from Grid #218 with (nx_ext x ny_ext) = ( 138 x 144): 23 24 14 15 nx_ext = 138, ny_ext = 144, nz_ext = 39, nzsoil_ext = 2 Calling getnmceta218 looking for 000:00:00 hour forecast initialized at 2015-12-28.00:00:00 UTC Julian filename: 153620000 Which is 1766880000 abs seconds or 0 seconds from the ARPS initial time. Output directory is . rdnmcgrib2: Opening GRIB extm/nam12grb2.t00z.awip21800.14 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. LatSW = 25.16000 LonSW = 256.4360 rdnmcgrib2: Opening GRIB extm/nam12grb2.t00z.awip21800.15 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. LatSW = 25.40500 LonSW = 264.7990 rdnmcgrib2: Opening GRIB extm/nam12grb2.t00z.awip21800.23 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. LatSW = 33.01100 LonSW = 255.8480 rdnmcgrib2: Opening GRIB extm/nam12grb2.t00z.awip21800.24 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. LatSW = 33.26900 LonSW = 264.7850 lat_ext_min= 0.251600E+02, lat_ext_max= 0.408684E+02 lon_ext_min= -0.104817E+03, lon_ext_max=-0.857798E+02 p_ext_min = 0.500000E+04, p_ext_max = 0.100000E+06 hgt_ext_min= -0.949315E+01, hgt_ext_max= 0.206372E+05 t_ext_min = 0.196748E+03, t_ext_max = 0.300664E+03 u_ext_min = -0.335892E+02, u_ext_max = 0.565548E+02 v_ext_min = -0.368239E+02, v_ext_max = 0.623742E+02 w_ext_min = 0.000000E+00, w_ext_max = 0.000000E+00 qv_ext_min = 0.000000E+00, qv_ext_max = 0.192833E-01 qc_ext_min = 0.000000E+00, qc_ext_max = 0.000000E+00 tsoil_001_ext_min= 0.266818E+03, tsoil_001_ext_max= 0.299321E+03 qsoil_001_ext_min= 0.107486E+00, qsoil_001_ext_max= 0.100000E+01 tsoil_002_ext_min= 0.274415E+03, tsoil_002_ext_max= 0.299321E+03 qsoil_002_ext_min= 0.840375E-01, qsoil_002_ext_max= 0.100000E+01 wetcanp_ext_min= 0.000000E+00, wetcanp_ext_max= 0.500000E-03 snowd_ext_min= 0.000000E+00, snow_ext_max= 0.376000E+00 trn_ext_min= 0.700226E-01, trn_ext_max= 0.242432E+04 psfc_ext_min= 0.752980E+05, psfc_ext_max= 0.101363E+06 T_2m_ext_min= 0.260717E+03, T_2m_ext_max= 0.299833E+03 qv_2m_ext_min= 0.938941E-03, qv_2m_ext_max= 0.190367E-01 U_10m_ext_min= -0.823011E+01, U_10m_ext_max= 0.126789E+02 V_10m_ext_min= -0.160855E+02, V_10m_ext_max= 0.125038E+02 RAIN_ext_min= 0.000000E+00, RAIN_ext_max= 0.000000E+00 xu ARPS: 580622.250 - 765076.563 yv ARPS: 733755.000 - 921388.000 xu EXT: 0.000 - 1670166.750 yv EXT: 1.000 - 1743314.000 Nearest ext pt to diagnostic lat,lon: 34.5606 -103.0820 Diagnostic i,j: 10 87, lat,lon = 34.5856 -103.0976 External sounding at idiag,jdiag k pres hgt temp theta dewp u v dir spd 39 50. 20622. -61.5 498.3 -94.2 -3.1 -3.4 39.1 4.7 38 75. 18137. -64.2 438.2 -92.5 10.9 3.8 247.3 11.5 37 100. 16374. -62.7 406.5 -87.9 17.4 1.3 262.2 17.4 36 125. 14981. -56.6 392.5 -84.5 17.9 -5.1 282.4 18.6 35 150. 13811. -51.2 381.8 -86.8 18.8 -7.6 288.4 20.3 34 175. 12801. -47.2 371.8 -84.0 17.3 -8.5 292.9 19.3 33 200. 11915. -46.1 359.7 -83.2 14.0 -4.6 284.6 14.7 32 225. 11130. -45.0 349.4 -82.5 8.4 -0.3 268.7 8.4 31 250. 10426. -44.4 340.0 -74.4 4.2 -2.5 297.0 4.8 30 275. 9787. -44.2 331.2 -67.3 4.1 -1.2 283.3 4.3 29 300. 9204. -43.9 323.5 -56.9 0.6 8.7 180.2 8.8 28 325. 8667. -42.0 318.8 -50.4 -5.6 14.8 155.9 15.8 27 350. 8160. -37.3 318.4 -45.0 -5.8 8.7 142.8 10.5 26 375. 7680. -33.3 317.5 -40.2 -4.4 5.6 138.2 7.2 25 400. 7223. -29.9 316.1 -36.7 -3.0 4.6 143.4 5.5 24 425. 6789. -26.6 314.9 -34.7 -2.0 1.7 127.4 2.6 23 450. 6373. -23.0 314.3 -30.8 -1.6 -0.3 74.7 1.6 22 475. 5975. -20.1 313.1 -27.0 -1.9 -2.3 37.3 3.0 21 500. 5593. -17.8 311.3 -24.0 -3.7 -4.7 35.0 6.0 20 525. 5227. -16.0 309.2 -21.0 -7.0 -6.9 41.8 9.8 19 550. 4875. -14.0 307.5 -17.8 -10.2 -8.1 48.1 13.0 18 575. 4536. -11.7 306.2 -14.3 -12.5 -6.6 58.8 14.2 17 600. 4209. -9.2 305.4 -10.6 -14.2 -3.8 71.5 14.7 16 625. 3891. -6.0 305.6 -6.7 -15.7 -2.1 78.8 15.8 15 650. 3582. -3.4 305.1 -4.0 -17.9 -1.8 80.8 18.0 14 675. 3283. -3.4 301.8 -4.1 -20.8 -3.8 76.3 21.2 13 700. 2995. -3.8 298.3 -4.6 -22.9 -7.6 68.3 24.1 12 725. 2718. -3.6 295.5 -4.5 -23.6 -13.7 56.5 27.3 11 750. 2452. -6.1 289.9 -7.3 -20.4 -19.6 42.7 28.3 10 775. 2196. -9.1 284.0 -11.3 -13.7 -27.4 23.1 30.6 9 800. 1951. -9.5 281.0 -12.0 -6.0 -28.3 8.5 28.9 8 825. 1713. -7.7 280.4 -10.2 -3.4 -25.7 4.1 25.9 7 850. 1480. -6.1 279.8 -8.5 -2.6 -23.3 3.0 23.4 6 875. 1252. -4.4 279.2 -6.8 -1.2 -16.4 0.7 16.5 5 900. 1030. -2.9 278.5 -5.1 -1.1 -16.4 0.6 16.4 4 925. 812. -1.5 277.8 -3.6 -1.1 -16.4 0.5 16.5 3 950. 599. -0.1 277.1 -1.9 -1.2 -16.4 0.6 16.4 2 975. 390. 1.3 276.4 -0.6 -1.2 -16.4 0.7 16.5 1 1000. 184. 2.5 275.7 0.6 -1.2 -16.4 0.7 16.5 idiag = 139, jdiag = 145, u_10m_ext = -3.03, v_10m_ext = -15.81 qv_ext min = 0.000000 qv_ext max = 1.9283324E-02 extmnsnd found 225 points within ARPS domain of 5594 points in external domain checked. Finding lowest height with acceptable mean sounding data ... z = 0.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 50.00 knt = 134. acceptable = 68. ... Found. Finding highest height with acceptable mean sounding data ... z = 30000.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29950.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29900.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29850.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29800.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29750.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29700.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29650.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29600.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29550.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29500.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29450.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29400.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29350.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29300.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29250.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29200.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29150.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29100.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29050.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29000.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28950.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28900.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28850.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28800.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28750.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28700.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28650.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28600.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28550.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28500.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28450.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28400.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28350.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28300.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28250.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28200.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28150.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28100.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28050.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28000.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 27950.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 27900.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 27850.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 27800.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 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acceptable = 68. ... z = 20750.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 20700.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 20650.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 20600.00 knt = 225. acceptable = 68. ... Found. Height of external data for mean spans from 50.00 to 20600.00 meters. qv_ext min = 3.1658200E-07 qv_ext max = 1.9283324E-02 qv min = 1.1829292E-06 qv max = 1.1688830E-02 umin final= -0.219300E+02, umax final= 0.297507E+02 vmin final= -0.128815E+02, vmax final= 0.410566E+02 Write soil initial data to extdata/em2015122802.soilvar.000000 HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT4D : Writing variable HDFWRT4D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT3DI: Writing variable Nearest ARPS pt to diagnostic lat,lon: 34.5606 -103.0820 Diagnostic i,j: 2 20 lat,lon= 32.0527 -97.9486 ARPS extracted sounding at idiag,jdiag k pres hgt temp theta dewp u v dir spd 26 137. 14504. -55.6 384.2 -84.5 25.3 19.6 228.9 32.0 25 160. 13512. -50.1 376.9 -82.9 21.9 23.5 219.7 32.2 24 185. 12520. -46.7 366.7 -83.5 17.5 25.5 211.3 30.9 23 215. 11528. -43.6 356.1 -78.1 14.2 26.2 205.1 29.8 22 248. 10551. -40.5 346.4 -64.3 11.3 26.6 199.8 28.9 21 286. 9591. -38.2 336.1 -53.4 7.5 27.0 192.2 28.1 20 325. 8701. -36.0 327.1 -46.1 2.9 27.6 182.7 27.7 19 363. 7930. -32.3 321.8 -40.2 -0.7 28.0 175.3 28.0 18 399. 7252. -27.7 319.1 -35.2 -2.5 28.8 171.7 28.9 17 434. 6644. -23.0 317.4 -30.9 -3.2 29.9 170.7 30.1 16 468. 6086. -18.8 315.9 -26.6 -3.3 30.4 170.5 30.5 15 502. 5562. -14.9 314.4 -21.9 -2.9 29.0 171.0 29.1 14 537. 5058. -11.5 312.5 -17.1 -2.1 25.5 172.1 25.6 13 572. 4565. -8.2 310.8 -12.3 -1.2 20.9 173.3 20.9 12 609. 4076. -4.9 309.1 -7.6 -0.5 16.2 175.1 16.2 11 648. 3589. -2.0 307.0 -3.7 0.7 12.3 180.0 12.4 10 688. 3102. 0.9 304.9 -0.3 2.4 9.3 191.2 9.7 9 731. 2619. 3.8 302.9 2.8 3.3 7.4 200.8 8.2 8 774. 2147. 6.0 300.4 5.5 1.8 6.4 192.3 6.6 7 818. 1696. 6.6 296.3 6.5 -1.6 3.6 152.2 3.9 6 860. 1279. 5.7 291.1 5.7 -3.3 -2.9 44.9 4.4 5 900. 912. 1.2 282.7 1.2 -0.8 -9.2 1.7 9.2 4 934. 614. 0.2 278.7 0.1 3.1 -10.4 340.0 10.9 3 958. 409. 1.7 278.2 1.5 4.9 -8.1 325.6 9.5 2 969. 323. 2.6 278.3 2.4 4.8 -6.6 320.8 8.1 1 971. 304. 2.8 278.3 2.5 4.6 -6.2 320.3 7.7 obropt = 12 Found mean k (=24) level at which w is zero for O'Brian adjustment, obrzero= 12000. m. Before w adjust, rho*wcont(top): wcmin = -0.7977E-01 at i= 82, j=430, k= 24 wcmax = 0.3679 at i=426, j=458, k= 24 Horizontal divergence correction distributed linearly in z. After wcont adjustment, rho*wcont(top): wcmin = -0.7451E-08 at i= 80, j=430, k= 24 wcmax = 0.2980E-07 at i=199, j= 22, k= 24 Min and max of External data interpolated to the ARPS grid: xmin = -0.400000E+03, xmax = 0.179600E+06 ymin = -0.400000E+03, ymax = 0.182800E+06 zmin = -0.600000E+03, zmax = 0.156000E+05 zpmin = 0.557853E+02, zpmax = 0.159919E+05 rhobarmin= 0.192436E+00, rhobarmax= 0.123667E+01 umin = -0.219300E+02, umax = 0.297507E+02 vmin = -0.128815E+02, vmax = 0.410566E+02 wmin = -0.277735E+00, wmax = 0.749837E+00 ptbarmin= 0.279463E+03, ptbarmax= 0.392512E+03 ptprtmin= -0.696654E+01, ptprtmax= 0.734825E+01 pbarmin= 0.116582E+05, pbarmax = 0.996277E+05 pprtmin = -0.285477E+03, pprtmax = 0.437538E+03 qvmin = 0.125175E-05, qvmax = 0.116830E-01 qc_min = 0.000000E+00, qc_max = 0.000000E+00 RAINmin = 0.000000E+00, RAINmax = 0.000000E+00 tsoilmin = 0.280198E+03, tsoilmax = 0.289402E+03 qsoilmin= 0.204915E+00, qsoilmax= 0.449875E+00 wetcanpmin = 0.487500E-03, wetcanpmax = 0.500000E-03 Mean sounding for ARPS base state variables k p(mb) z(m) pt(mb) T(C) qv(kg/kg) RH % u(m/s) v(m/s) 601 10.9 30000.0 762.3 -63.9 0.00000 1.1 -2.5 -3.7 551 16.3 27500.0 678.4 -63.9 0.00000 1.6 -2.5 -3.7 501 24.6 25000.0 603.8 -63.9 0.00000 2.4 -2.5 -3.7 451 36.9 22500.0 537.3 -63.9 0.00000 3.7 -2.5 -3.7 401 55.5 20000.0 475.3 -65.1 0.00000 3.3 -0.3 -2.4 351 84.1 17500.0 418.8 -66.8 0.00000 4.5 11.6 3.7 301 126.2 15000.0 386.6 -59.2 0.00000 2.9 31.8 20.0 251 186.3 12500.0 360.0 -50.4 0.00000 2.1 11.0 33.0 201 271.5 10000.0 337.1 -40.9 0.00009 32.6 -8.7 34.3 151 387.8 7500.0 324.2 -25.8 0.00048 51.7 -9.8 35.3 101 541.7 5000.0 313.8 -9.8 0.00227 74.2 0.6 30.8 51 741.3 2500.0 304.4 6.3 0.00719 89.2 4.1 7.6 1 1004.3 0.0 280.1 7.3 0.00607 95.0 1.3 -4.6 Writing base state history dump extdata/em2015122802.hdfgrdbas_001001 Writing base state history dump extdata/em2015122802.hdfgrdbas_001001 Writing HDF4 grid and base file to extdata/em2015122802.hdfgrdbas_001001 HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3DI: Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT2DI: Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. curtim = 0.000000 History data dump in file extdata/em2015122802.hdf000000_001001 Writing HDF4 data at time= 0.000 into file extdata/em2015122802.hdf000000_001001 HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable

HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT4D : Writing variable HDFWRT4D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. Calling getnmceta218 looking for 003:00:00 hour forecast initialized at 2015-12-28.00:00:00 UTC Julian filename: 153620003 Which is 1766890800 abs seconds or 10800 seconds from the ARPS initial time. Output directory is . rdnmcgrib2: Opening GRIB extm/nam12grb2.t00z.awip21803.14 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. LatSW = 25.16000 LonSW = 256.4360 rdnmcgrib2: Opening GRIB extm/nam12grb2.t00z.awip21803.15 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. LatSW = 25.40500 LonSW = 264.7990 rdnmcgrib2: Opening GRIB extm/nam12grb2.t00z.awip21803.23 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. LatSW = 33.01100 LonSW = 255.8480 rdnmcgrib2: Opening GRIB extm/nam12grb2.t00z.awip21803.24 Fortran I/O unit 39 picked from the free list. Fortran I/O unit 39 returned to the free list. LatSW = 33.26900 LonSW = 264.7850 lat_ext_min= 0.251600E+02, lat_ext_max= 0.408684E+02 lon_ext_min= -0.104817E+03, lon_ext_max=-0.857798E+02 p_ext_min = 0.500000E+04, p_ext_max = 0.100000E+06 hgt_ext_min= -0.212265E+02, hgt_ext_max= 0.206393E+05 t_ext_min = 0.196051E+03, t_ext_max = 0.299046E+03 u_ext_min = -0.321271E+02, u_ext_max = 0.531948E+02 v_ext_min = -0.385161E+02, v_ext_max = 0.625531E+02 w_ext_min = 0.000000E+00, w_ext_max = 0.000000E+00 qv_ext_min = 0.000000E+00, qv_ext_max = 0.193510E-01 qc_ext_min = 0.000000E+00, qc_ext_max = 0.000000E+00 tsoil_001_ext_min= 0.266285E+03, tsoil_001_ext_max= 0.299286E+03 qsoil_001_ext_min= 0.107485E+00, qsoil_001_ext_max= 0.100000E+01 tsoil_002_ext_min= 0.274406E+03, tsoil_002_ext_max= 0.299286E+03 qsoil_002_ext_min= 0.840375E-01, qsoil_002_ext_max= 0.100000E+01 wetcanp_ext_min= 0.000000E+00, wetcanp_ext_max= 0.500000E-03 snowd_ext_min= 0.000000E+00, snow_ext_max= 0.431600E+00 trn_ext_min= 0.700226E-01, trn_ext_max= 0.242432E+04 psfc_ext_min= 0.754930E+05, psfc_ext_max= 0.101364E+06 T_2m_ext_min= 0.257406E+03, T_2m_ext_max= 0.299458E+03 qv_2m_ext_min= 0.802118E-03, qv_2m_ext_max= 0.195247E-01 U_10m_ext_min= -0.863633E+01, U_10m_ext_max= 0.162773E+02 V_10m_ext_min= -0.142122E+02, V_10m_ext_max= 0.136194E+02 RAIN_ext_min= 0.000000E+00, RAIN_ext_max= 0.455000E+02 idiag = 139, jdiag = 145, u_10m_ext = -2.16, v_10m_ext = -13.36 qv_ext min = 0.000000 qv_ext max = 1.9351039E-02 extmnsnd found 225 points within ARPS domain of 5594 points in external domain checked. Finding lowest height with acceptable mean sounding data ... z = 0.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 50.00 knt = 144. acceptable = 68. ... Found. Finding highest height with acceptable mean sounding data ... z = 30000.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29950.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29900.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29850.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29800.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29750.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29700.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29650.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29600.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29550.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29500.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29450.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29400.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29350.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29300.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29250.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29200.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29150.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29100.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29050.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 29000.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28950.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28900.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28850.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28800.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28750.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28700.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28650.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28600.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28550.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28500.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28450.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28400.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28350.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28300.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28250.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28200.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28150.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28100.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28050.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 28000.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 27950.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 27900.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 27850.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 27800.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 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acceptable = 68. ... z = 20750.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 20700.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 20650.00 knt = 0. acceptable = 68. ... z = 20600.00 knt = 225. acceptable = 68. ... Found. Height of external data for mean spans from 50.00 to 20600.00 meters. qv_ext min = 2.5816470E-07 qv_ext max = 1.9351039E-02 qv min = 1.1477523E-06 qv max = 1.0877674E-02 umin final= -0.137766E+02, umax final= 0.335390E+02 vmin final= -0.151763E+02, vmax final= 0.450586E+02 Write soil initial data to extdata/em2015122802.soilvar.010800 HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT4D : Writing variable HDFWRT4D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT2D : Writing variable HDFWRT3DI: Writing variable Nearest ARPS pt to diagnostic lat,lon: 34.5606 -103.0820 Diagnostic i,j: 2 20 lat,lon= 32.0527 -97.9486 ARPS extracted sounding at idiag,jdiag k pres hgt temp theta dewp u v dir spd 26 137. 14504. -55.7 384.1 -85.0 25.3 13.7 238.3 28.7 25 159. 13512. -49.3 378.4 -83.5 25.4 16.1 234.3 30.1 24 185. 12520. -44.0 371.1 -81.8 24.4 18.9 229.0 30.9 23 214. 11528. -40.5 361.4 -79.2 21.8 22.5 220.8 31.3 22 247. 10551. -38.4 350.0 -72.8 17.3 26.2 210.2 31.4 21 284. 9591. -37.6 337.6 -62.1 11.9 29.3 198.8 31.7 20 323. 8701. -36.9 326.3 -53.1 7.1 31.2 189.4 32.0 19 361. 7930. -33.8 320.2 -45.0 3.3 31.5 182.8 31.6 18 397. 7252. -29.1 317.7 -37.9 0.6 30.5 177.9 30.5 17 432. 6644. -24.5 316.0 -32.8 -0.8 29.4 175.1 29.4 16 467. 6086. -20.1 314.7 -28.5 -0.7 28.2 175.2 28.2 15 500. 5562. -16.1 313.4 -23.7 0.4 26.7 177.5 26.7 14 535. 5058. -12.5 311.8 -17.9 1.2 25.2 179.5 25.2 13 570. 4565. -9.1 310.0 -12.2 0.9 23.1 178.9 23.1 12 607. 4076. -6.0 308.1 -7.5 -0.4 19.0 175.4 19.0 11 646. 3589. -3.3 305.8 -4.2 -1.4 13.1 170.7 13.2 10 687. 3102. -1.0 303.1 -1.6 -0.7 7.6 171.7 7.6 9 729. 2619. 1.8 300.9 1.1 1.2 4.7 190.6 4.9 8 773. 2147. 4.2 298.5 3.6 1.7 3.9 200.8 4.2 7 817. 1696. 5.3 295.0 4.9 0.3 0.8 195.4 0.8 6 859. 1279. 4.0 289.4 3.7 0.2 -5.8 355.0 5.8 5 900. 912. -0.8 280.7 -1.3 3.4 -11.0 339.4 11.5 4 934. 614. -1.0 277.5 -1.6 6.8 -11.0 325.1 13.0 3 958. 409. 0.6 277.1 0.0 7.5 -8.4 315.0 11.2 2 969. 323. 1.5 277.2 0.8 6.9 -6.8 311.3 9.7 1 971. 304. 1.7 277.1 0.9 6.6 -6.4 310.7 9.2 obropt = 12 Found mean k (=24) level at which w is zero for O'Brian adjustment, obrzero= 12000. m. Before w adjust, rho*wcont(top): wcmin = -0.1446 at i= 22, j=272, k= 24 wcmax = 0.2178 at i=433, j= 1, k= 24 Horizontal divergence correction distributed linearly in z. After wcont adjustment, rho*wcont(top): wcmin = -0.7451E-08 at i=275, j=179, k= 24 wcmax = 0.1490E-07 at i=390, j= 2, k= 24 Min and max of External data interpolated to the ARPS grid: xmin = -0.400000E+03, xmax = 0.179600E+06 ymin = -0.400000E+03, ymax = 0.182800E+06 zmin = -0.600000E+03, zmax = 0.156000E+05 zpmin = 0.557853E+02, zpmax = 0.159919E+05 rhobarmin= 0.192147E+00, rhobarmax= 0.123966E+01 umin = -0.137766E+02, umax = 0.335390E+02 vmin = -0.151763E+02, vmax = 0.450586E+02 wmin = -0.449526E+00, wmax = 0.657763E+00 ptbarmin= 0.278802E+03, ptbarmax= 0.392650E+03 ptprtmin= -0.627380E+01, ptprtmax= 0.638980E+01 pbarmin= 0.116512E+05, pbarmax = 0.996121E+05 pprtmin = -0.278335E+03, pprtmax = 0.516036E+03 qvmin = 0.117410E-05, qvmax = 0.108721E-01 qc_min = 0.000000E+00, qc_max = 0.000000E+00 RAINmin = 0.129988E+01, RAINmax = 0.134249E+02 tsoilmin = 0.279887E+03, tsoilmax = 0.289444E+03 qsoilmin= 0.206823E+00, qsoilmax= 0.450071E+00 wetcanpmin = 0.487500E-03, wetcanpmax = 0.500000E-03 Mean sounding for ARPS base state variables k p(mb) z(m) pt(mb) T(C) qv(kg/kg) RH % u(m/s) v(m/s) 601 10.7 30000.0 760.3 -65.1 0.00000 1.1 -6.1 -0.8 551 16.2 27500.0 676.2 -65.1 0.00000 1.6 -6.1 -0.8 501 24.4 25000.0 601.3 -65.1 0.00000 2.4 -6.1 -0.8 451 36.8 22500.0 534.8 -65.1 0.00000 3.7 -6.1 -0.8 401 55.4 20000.0 473.4 -66.1 0.00000 3.4 -3.2 0.2 351 84.0 17500.0 418.5 -67.0 0.00000 4.5 11.8 4.1 301 126.1 15000.0 387.2 -58.9 0.00000 2.6 30.6 16.0 251 185.7 12500.0 366.3 -46.8 0.00000 1.3 21.7 29.3 201 269.3 10000.0 338.4 -40.6 0.00002 7.7 5.5 32.2 151 386.2 7500.0 320.3 -29.1 0.00052 77.2 -5.8 30.6 101 540.8 5000.0 312.9 -10.7 0.00229 81.2 1.8 27.3 51 740.8 2500.0 303.7 5.6 0.00629 81.6 0.5 4.0 1 1004.1 0.0 279.4 6.6 0.00578 94.8 2.9 -6.1 Writing base state history dump extdata/em2015122802.hdfgrdbas_001001 .01 curtim = 10800.00 History data dump in file extdata/em2015122802.hdf010800_001001 Writing HDF4 data at time= 10800.000 into file extdata/em2015122802.hdf010800_001001 HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT1D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable HDFWRT3D : Writing variable

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ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP Warning: ieee_inexact is signaling FORTRAN STOP Job /lsf/7.0/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/bin/openmpi_wrapper -np 192 /home/kwthomas/rt2015/user/software/casa2015_anal/openmpi/arps/abin/ext2arps_mpi TID HOST_NAME COMMAND_LINE STATUS TERMINATION_TIME ===== ========== ================ ======================= =================== 00000 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00001 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00002 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00003 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00004 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00005 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00006 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00007 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00008 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00009 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00010 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00011 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00012 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00013 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00014 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00015 c364 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00016 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00017 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00018 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00019 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00020 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00021 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00022 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00023 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00024 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00025 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00026 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00027 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00028 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00029 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00030 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00031 c125 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00032 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00033 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00034 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00035 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00036 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00037 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00038 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00039 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00040 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00041 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00042 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00043 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00044 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00045 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00046 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00047 c152 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00048 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00049 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00050 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00051 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00052 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00053 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00054 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00055 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00056 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00057 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00058 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00059 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00060 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00061 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00062 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00063 c112 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00064 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00065 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00066 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00067 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00068 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00069 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00070 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00071 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00072 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00073 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00074 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00075 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00076 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00077 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00078 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00079 c115 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:46 00080 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00081 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00082 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00083 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00084 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00085 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00086 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00087 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00088 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00089 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00090 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00091 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00092 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00093 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00094 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00095 c147 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00096 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00097 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00098 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00099 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00100 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00101 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00102 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00103 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00104 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00105 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00106 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00107 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00108 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00109 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00110 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00111 c124 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00112 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00113 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00114 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00115 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00116 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00117 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00118 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00119 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00120 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00121 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00122 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00123 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00124 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00125 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00126 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00127 c128 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00128 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00129 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00130 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00131 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00132 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00133 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00134 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00135 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00136 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00137 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00138 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00139 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00140 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:43 00141 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00142 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00143 c126 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00144 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00145 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00146 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00147 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00148 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00149 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00150 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00151 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00152 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00153 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00154 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00155 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00156 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00157 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00158 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00159 c133 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00160 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00161 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00162 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00163 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00164 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00165 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00166 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00167 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00168 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00169 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00170 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00171 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00172 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00173 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00174 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00175 c141 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00176 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00177 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00178 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00179 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00180 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00181 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00182 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00183 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00184 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00185 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00186 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00187 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00188 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00189 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44 00190 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:45 00191 c127 /home/kwthomas/r Done 12/27/2015 20:34:44