Manipulating metafile (gmeta)

Specifying spooled device to be used with idt command (on DEC Alpha machines):

Edit .ncarv_spool file in home directory to include the following lines (in my example):

postscript : -d ps.mono -f font1 : | lpx
psfile     : -d ps.mono -f font1 : > gra
pscolor : -d ps.color : | sed -f ~/scripts/sfile > gra
pscoamps: -d ps.color : | sed -f ~/scripts/sfile_coamps > gra
sunraster : -d xwd : | xwdtopnm | pnmtorast > meta.ras

lpx is a script to forward spooled image to printer (tuna). One can simply usr lpr, of
course. `sfile' includes substitute  instruction for sed:

s/ct 1 [[]1.000 1.000 1.000/ct 1 [0.000 0.000 0.000/

in which the backgroud color is reversed. `sfile_coamps' is used to adjust color setting
for COAMPS generated gmeta, which includes the following 3 lines:

s/ct 0 [[]1.000 1.000 1.000/ct 0 [0.000 0.000 0.000/
s/ct 2 [[]0.000 0.000 0.000/ct 2 [1.000 1.000 1.000/
s/ct 255 [[]1.000 1.000 1.000/ct 255 [0.000 0.000 0.000/

Selective printing of gmeta files:

[method 1]    use idt command (manually select)

[method 2]    use -e option in command ictrans:

ictrans -e 'spooler psfile' -e 'framelist Print' gmeta
The spooled device can be:
psfile           - write 'gra' PS file
postscript   - send to printer (tuna)
pscolor        - write color image to 'gra'

The framelist has the form:

n            - single frame
n1,n2    - frame n1 through n2
           - last frame

If you want to selectively generate a new metafile from old one:

ictrans -e '[framelist] save [new metafile]' gmeta