ADAS Technical Documentation

ADAS, the ARPS Data Analysis System, is a 3-dimensional analysis program. This implementation is using Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) forecasts from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) as background fields. Oklahoma Mesonet , surface airways, NOAA wind profiler , and radiosonde data are used in the analysis. The analysis method is a successive correction scheme known as the Bratseth method [Tellus, 1986]. This method is designed to asympotically approach the result of a statistical (optimal) interpolation. The analysis grid has resolution of 12 km in the horizontal and is stretched in the vertical from about 50 m near the ground to nearly 1 km near the top. The analysis is run hourly on an IBM RS/6000 Power workstation on a timed queue and the WWW products are generally available by 30 minutes after each hour. However, due to the varying load on the machine, that performance cannot be guaranteed.


Yes, you guessed it!: This page is under construction.

Related Pages

  • Basic Description of ADAS
  • Description of ADAS Plotted Variables
  • The Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS)
  • ARPS real-time forecasts
  • Oklahoma Weather Roundup.
  • Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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    Comments or problems? email Keith Brewster