kBrews Weather Spotting Frequency List
North and Central New Mexico

  North and Central New Mexico
     LOCATION            FREQ     DUP   NOTES
    Farmington          147.28     +    PL 67   MegaLINK/Harris Mesa
    Cuba                147.24     +    PL 67   MegaLINK/Eureka Mesa
    Gallup              147.22     +    PL 67   MegaLINK/Deza Bluff
    Grants              146.66     -    PL 100  MegaLINK/San Mateo Mtns
    Reserve-Datil       147.14     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Luera Peak
    Chama-Taos          147.22     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/San Antonio Mtn
    Angel Fire-Red Rivr 444.35     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Eagle Nest
    Clayton-Raton       147.28     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Sierra Grande
    Las Vegas           444.375    +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Mesa Apache
    Albq-Santa Fe       145.29     -    PL 100  MegaLINK/Sandia Crest
    Albuquerque         444.325    +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Sandia Crest
    Albuquerque-Grants  146.94     -    PL 100  URFMSI/Mt Taylor
    Socorro-Vaughn      147.28     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Gallinas Peak
    Socorro             146.68     -    PL 100  (local SKYWARN, relay NWS via

    Clovis-Portales     147.28     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Melrose
    Clovis              147.24     +    (local SKYWARN, relay NWS via
    Conchas Lake        147.26     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Mesa Rica
    Corona-Vaughn       147.28     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Gallinas Peak
    Ft Sumner-Santa Rosa147.14     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Fort Sumner
    Tucumcari           147.22     +    PL 100  MegaLINK/Tucumcari Mtn

    Roswell             147.26     +    PL 67   MegaLINK/Roswell
    Ruidoso             146.66     -    PL 67   MegaLINK/Capitan Peak
    Ruidoso             444.375    +    PL 67   MegaLINK/Cow Mtn
    Artesia-Tatum       147.14     +    PL 67   MegaLINK/Maljamar

 NOAA Weather Radio
    162.400   Albuquerque, Las Cruces
    162.450   Roswell
    162.475   Carlsbad, Clovis, Farmington
    162.550   Raton-Clayton, Ruidoso, Santa Fe
New Mexico Source:  Keith Hayes, KC5KH, Keith.Hayes@noaa.gov (07/01)

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Rev: 05 Jul 2001
Compilation © 2001 Keith Brewster, n0iaw