Source code for pycaps.diagnostic.listvars

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

#Code: (Python Script)
#Author: Nate Snook (CASA/CAPS/SoM)
#Written: Mar. 2008
#Modification History:  
# 19 Feb. 2014 -- Nate Snook (added netcdf support, updated script to use argparse)
# 14 Aug. 2014 -- Nate Snook (added generic case for when no format is specified)
# 24 Sept. 2015 --Nate Snook (added output of dimensions)
# 5 Oct. 2015 --  Nate Snook (no need to specify NetCDF explicitly; handled via try/except)
# 11 Nov. 2015 -- Nate Snook (Converted from stand-alone script to function for pycaps)

from PyNIO import Nio
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

[docs]def listvars(source, shapefile=False): """ Gives a list of the variables, attributes, and dimensions contained in a NetCDF or HDF file. If called with shapefile = True, it will instead provide information on variables contained in a shapefile. Args: source: The file whose contents you wish to list (for best results, give full path) shapefile: OPTIONAL -- If shapefile = True, listvars will attempt to open the source as a shapefile and give relevant information about the contents. Returns: <<nothing>> (prints information about file contents to the terminal window) """ #----------------------------------------------------# if shapefile == True: #provide an arbitrary map specification to allow for shapefile reading map=Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=32, urcrnrlat=40, llcrnrlon=-100, urcrnrlon=-80,resolution='c') map.readshapefile(source, 'contents', drawbounds=True) print '------------------------------------' print 'Number of shapes contained in ' + str(source) + ': ' + str(len(map.contents)) for index, shape in enumerate(map.contents): print ' Shape #' + str(index) + ' contents: ' + str(map.contents[index]) for key_num, key in enumerate(map.contents_info[index].keys()): print ' ' + str(key) + ': ' + str(map.contents_info[index].values()[key_num]) print ' -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --' else: try: testfile = Nio.open_file(source, mode='r', options=None, history='', format='netcdf') filefmt = 'NetCDF' except: try: testfile = Nio.open_file(source, mode='r', options=None, history='', format='hdf') filefmt = 'HDF' except: print 'Attempts to open using NetCDF and HDF format failed... trying generic format...' testfile = Nio.open_file(source, mode='r', options=None, history='') filefmt = 'Unknown' print '--------------------------------------' print 'File format: ' + str(filefmt) print '--------------------------------------' varnames = testfile.variables.keys() print 'Listing of variables stored in ' + str(source) print varnames print '--------------------------------------' attrnames = testfile.attributes.keys() print 'Listing of attributes stored in ' + str(source) print attrnames print '--------------------------------------' dimnames = testfile.dimensions.keys() print 'Listing of dimensions stored in ' + str(source) print dimnames print '--------------------------------------'