Source code for

import Nio
import pandas as pd
import os
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from netCDF4 import Dataset, date2num
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pycaps.util.make_proj_grids import read_arps_map_file, make_proj_grids
from multiprocessing import Pool
import warnings
import traceback
import argparse

[docs]def MRMS_main(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-s", "--start", required=True, help="Date to begin aggregation in YYYYMMDDHHMM format") parser.add_argument("-e", "--end", required=True, help="Date to end aggregation in YYYYMMDDHHMM format") parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", required=True, help="Path to MRMS GRIB2 files") parser.add_argument("-o", "--out", required=True, help="Path to save MRMS netCDF4 files") parser.add_argument("-m", "--map", required=True, help="File containing map coordinates for interpolation") parser.add_argument("-v", "--var", required=True, help="Comma-separated list of variables (example: MESH_MAX_60min_00.50)") parser.add_argument("-n", "--np", type=int, default=1, help="Number of processors to use") args = parser.parse_args() start_date = datetime.strptime(args.start, "%Y%m%d%H%M") end_date = datetime.strptime(args.end, "%Y%m%d%H%M") mrms_path = args.path out_path = args.out map_filename = variables = args.var.split(",") num_procs = #start_date = datetime(2015, 9, 29) #end_date = datetime(2015, 9, 30) #mrms_path = "/sharp/djgagne/mrms/" #out_path = "/sharp/djgagne/mrms_ncar/" #map_filename = "/sharp/djgagne/ncar_map_grids/" #variables = ["MESH_Max_60min_00.50", "RotationTrack60min_00.50", "RadarQualityIndex_00.00"] #variables = ["MESH_Max_60min_00.50", "RadarQualityIndex_00.00"] #num_procs = 20 if num_procs > 1: pool = Pool(num_procs) curr_date = start_date while curr_date <= end_date: for variable in variables: pool.apply_async(interpolate_mrms_day, (curr_date, variable, mrms_path, map_filename, out_path)) curr_date += timedelta(days=1) pool.close() pool.join() else: curr_date = start_date while curr_date <= end_date: for variable in variables: apply(interpolate_mrms_day, (curr_date, variable, mrms_path, map_filename, out_path)) curr_date += timedelta(days=1)
[docs]def load_map_coordinates(map_file): """ Loads map coordinates from netCDF or pickle file created by util.makeMapGrids. :param map_file: Filename for the file containing coordinate information. :returns: Latitude and longitude grids as numpy arrays. """ if map_file[-4:] == ".pkl": map_data = cPickle.load(open(map_file)) lon = map_data['lon'] lat = map_data['lat'] else: map_data = Dataset(map_file) if "lon" in map_data.variables.keys(): lon = map_data.variables['lon'][:] lat = map_data.variables['lat'][:] else: lon = map_data.variables["XLONG"][0] lat = map_data.variables["XLAT"][0] return lon, lat
[docs]def interpolate_mrms_day(start_date, variable, mrms_path, map_filename, out_path): """ For a given day, this module interpolates hourly MRMS data to a specified latitude and longitude grid, and saves the interpolated grids to CF-compliant netCDF4 files. Parameters ---------- start_date : datetime.datetime Date of data being interpolated variable : str MRMS variable mrms_path : str Path to top-level directory of MRMS GRIB2 files map_filename : str Name of the map filename. Supports ARPS map file format and netCDF files containing latitude and longitude variables out_path : str Path to location where interpolated netCDF4 files are saved. """ try: print start_date, variable end_date = start_date + timedelta(hours=23) mrms = MRMSGrid(start_date, end_date, variable, mrms_path) if is not None: if map_filename[-3:] == "map": mapping_data = make_proj_grids(*read_arps_map_file(map_filename)) mrms.interpolate_to_netcdf(mapping_data['lon'], mapping_data['lat'], out_path) else: lon, lat = load_map_coordinates(map_filename) mrms.interpolate_to_netcdf(lon, lat, out_path) except Exception as e: # This exception catches any errors when run in multiprocessing, prints the stack trace, # and ends the process. Otherwise the process will stall. print traceback.format_exc() raise e
[docs]class MRMSGrid(object): """ MRMSGrid reads time series of MRMS grib2 files, interpolates them, and outputs them to netCDF4 format. """ def __init__(self, start_date, end_date, variable, path_start, freq="1H"): self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.variable = variable self.path_start = path_start self.freq = freq = None self.all_dates = pd.DatetimeIndex(start=self.start_date, end=self.end_date, freq=self.freq) self.loaded_dates = None self.lon = None = None self.load_data()
[docs] def load_data(self): """ Loads data from MRMS GRIB2 files and handles compression duties if files are compressed. """ data = [] loaded_dates = [] loaded_indices = [] for t, timestamp in enumerate(self.all_dates): date_str ="%Y%m%d") full_path = self.path_start + date_str + "/" if self.variable in os.listdir(full_path): full_path += self.variable + "/" data_files = sorted(os.listdir(full_path)) file_dates = pd.to_datetime([d.split("_")[-1][0:13] for d in data_files]) if timestamp in file_dates: data_file = data_files[np.where(timestamp==file_dates)[0][0]] print full_path + data_file if data_file[-2:] == "gz":["gunzip", full_path + data_file]) file_obj = Nio.open_file(full_path + data_file[:-3]) else: file_obj = Nio.open_file(full_path + data_file) var_name = sorted(file_obj.variables.keys())[0] data.append(file_obj.variables[var_name][:]) if self.lon is None: self.lon = file_obj.variables["lon_0"][:] # Translates longitude values from 0:360 to -180:180 if np.count_nonzero(self.lon > 180) > 0: self.lon -= 360 = file_obj.variables["lat_0"][:] file_obj.close() if data_file[-2:] == "gz":["gzip", full_path + data_file[:-3]]) else:["gzip", full_path + data_file]) loaded_dates.append(timestamp) loaded_indices.append(t) if len(loaded_dates) > 0: self.loaded_dates = pd.DatetimeIndex(loaded_dates) = np.ones((self.all_dates.shape[0], data[0].shape[0], data[0].shape[1])) * -9999[loaded_indices] = np.array(data)
[docs] def interpolate_grid(self, in_lon, in_lat): """ Interpolates MRMS data to a different grid using cubic bivariate splines """ out_data = np.zeros(([0], in_lon.shape[0], in_lon.shape[1])) for d in range([0]): print "Loading ", d, self.variable, self.start_date if[d].max() > -999: step =[d] step[step < 0] = 0 if[-1] <[0]: spline = RectBivariateSpline([::-1], self.lon, step[::-1], kx=3, ky=3) else: spline = RectBivariateSpline(, self.lon, step, kx=3, ky=3) print "Evaluating", d, self.variable, self.start_date flat_data = spline.ev(in_lat.ravel(), in_lon.ravel()) out_data[d] = flat_data.reshape(in_lon.shape) del spline else: print d, " is missing" out_data[d] = -9999 return out_data
[docs] def interpolate_to_netcdf(self, in_lon, in_lat, out_path, date_unit="seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00"): """ Calls the interpolation function and then saves the MRMS data to a netCDF file. It will also create separate directories for each variable if they are not already available. """ out_data = self.interpolate_grid(in_lon, in_lat) if not os.access(out_path + self.variable, os.R_OK): try: os.mkdir(out_path + self.variable) except OSError: print out_path + self.variable + " already created" out_file = out_path + self.variable + "/" + "{0}_{1}_{2}.nc".format(self.variable, self.start_date.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M"), self.end_date.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H:%M")) out_obj = Dataset(out_file, "w") out_obj.createDimension("time", out_data.shape[0]) out_obj.createDimension("y", out_data.shape[1]) out_obj.createDimension("x", out_data.shape[2]) data_var = out_obj.createVariable(self.variable, "f4", ("time", "y", "x"), zlib=True, fill_value=-9999.0, least_significant_digit=3) data_var[:] = out_data data_var.long_name = self.variable data_var.coordinates = "latitude longitude" if "MESH" in self.variable or "QPE" in self.variable: data_var.units = "mm" elif "Reflectivity" in self.variable: data_var.units = "dBZ" elif "Rotation" in self.variable: data_var.units = "s-1" else: data_var.units = "" out_lon = out_obj.createVariable("longitude", "f4", ("y", "x"), zlib=True) out_lon[:] = in_lon out_lon.units = "degrees_east" out_lat = out_obj.createVariable("latitude", "f4", ("y", "x"), zlib=True) out_lat[:] = in_lat out_lat.units = "degrees_north" dates = out_obj.createVariable("time", "i8", ("time",), zlib=True) dates[:] = np.round(date2num(self.all_dates.to_pydatetime(), date_unit)).astype(np.int64) dates.long_name = "Valid date" dates.units = date_unit out_obj.Conventions="CF-1.6" out_obj.close() return
if __name__ == "__main__": MRMS_main()