Source code for

from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
from pandas import DatetimeIndex, Timestamp

[docs]class ModelGrid(object): """ Base class for reading 2D model output grids from netCDF files. Given a list of file names, loads the values of a single variable from a model run. Supports model output in netCDF format. Attributes: filenames (list of str): List of netCDF files containing model output run_date (ISO date string or datetime.datetime object): Date of the initialization time of the model run. start_date (ISO date string or datetime.datetime object): Date of the first timestep extracted. end_date (ISO date string or datetime.datetime object): Date of the last timestep extracted. freqency (str): spacing between model time steps. valid_dates: DatetimeIndex of all model timesteps forecast_hours: array of all hours in the forecast file_objects (list): List of the file objects for each model time step """ def __init__(self, filenames, run_date, start_date, end_date, variable, frequency="1H"): self.filenames = filenames self.variable = variable self.run_date = np.datetime64(run_date) self.start_date = np.datetime64(start_date) self.end_date = np.datetime64(end_date) self.frequency = frequency self.valid_dates = DatetimeIndex(start=self.start_date, end=self.end_date, freq=self.frequency) self.forecast_hours = (self.valid_dates.values - self.run_date).astype("timedelta64[h]").astype(int) self.file_objects = [] self.__enter__()
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Open each file for reading. """ for filename in self.filenames: try: self.file_objects.append(Dataset(filename)) except RuntimeError: print("Warning: File {0} not found.".format(filename)) self.file_objects.append(None)
[docs] def load_data_old(self): """ Loads time series of 2D data grids from each opened file. The code handles loading a full time series from one file or individual time steps from multiple files. Missing files are supported. """ units = "" if len(self.file_objects) == 1 and self.file_objects[0] is not None: data = self.file_objects[0].variables[self.variable][self.forecast_hours] if hasattr(self.file_objects[0].variables[self.variable], "units"): units = self.file_objects[0].variables[self.variable].units elif len(self.file_objects) > 1: grid_shape = [len(self.file_objects), 1, 1] for file_object in self.file_objects: if file_object is not None: if self.variable in file_object.variables.keys(): grid_shape = file_object.variables[self.variable].shape elif self.variable.ljust(6, "_") in file_object.variables.keys(): grid_shape = file_object.variables[self.variable.ljust(6, "_")].shape else: print("{0} not found".format(self.variable)) raise KeyError break data = np.zeros((len(self.file_objects), grid_shape[1], grid_shape[2])) for f, file_object in enumerate(self.file_objects): if file_object is not None: if self.variable in file_object.variables.keys(): var_name = self.variable elif self.variable.ljust(6, "_") in file_object.variables.keys(): var_name = self.variable.ljust(6, "_") else: print("{0} not found".format(self.variable)) raise KeyError data[f] = file_object.variables[var_name][0] if units == "" and hasattr(file_object.variables[var_name], "units"): units = file_object.variables[var_name].units else: data = None return data, units
[docs] def load_data(self): """ Load data from netCDF file objects or list of netCDF file objects. Handles special variable name formats. Returns: Array of data loaded from files in (time, y, x) dimensions, Units """ units = "" if len(self.file_objects) == 1 and self.file_objects[0] is not None: var_name, z_index = self.format_var_name(self.variable, self.file_objects[0].variables.keys()) if z_index is None: data = self.file_objects[0].variables[var_name][self.forecast_hours].astype(np.float32) else: data = self.file_objects[0].variables[var_name][self.forecast_hours, z_index].astype(np.float32) if hasattr(self.file_objects[0].variables[var_name], "units"): units = self.file_objects[0].variables[var_name].units elif len(self.file_objects) > 1: var_name, z_index = self.format_var_name(self.variable, self.file_objects[0].variables.keys()) y_dim, x_dim = self.file_objects[0].variables[var_name].shape[-2:] data = np.zeros((len(self.file_objects), y_dim, x_dim), dtype=np.float32) for f, file_object in enumerate(self.file_objects): if file_object is not None: if z_index is None: data[f] = file_object.variables[var_name][0] else: data[f] = file_object.variables[var_name][0, z_index] if hasattr(self.file_objects[0].variables[var_name], "units"): units = self.file_objects[0].variables[var_name].units else: raise IOError() return data, units
[docs] def format_var_name(variable, var_list): """ Searches var list for variable name, checks other variable name format options. Args: variable (str): Variable being loaded var_list (list): List of variables in file. Returns: Name of variable in file containing relevant data, and index of variable z-level if multiple variables contained in same array in file. """ z_index = None if variable in var_list: var_name = variable elif variable.ljust(6, "_") in var_list: var_name = variable.ljust(6, "_") elif any([variable in v_sub.split("_") for v_sub in var_list]): var_name = var_list[[variable in v_sub.split("_") for v_sub in var_list].index(True)] z_index = var_name.split("_").index(variable) else: raise KeyError("{0} not found in {1}".format(variable, var_list)) return var_name, z_index
[docs] def __exit__(self): """ Close links to all open file objects and delete the objects. """ for file_object in self.file_objects: file_object.close() del self.file_objects[:]
[docs] def close(self): """ Close links to all open file objects and delete the objects. """ self.__exit__()