Source code for

import numpy as np

import struct
from operator import mul

[docs]class BinFile(object): """ Handles the low-level reading and writing of binary files. Inherit from this class for all your binary file I/O needs. Args: file_name (str): Name of the file to open. mode (str): Read/write mode for the file. Default is 'r' (for reading). byteorder (str): Endianness for the file. Acceptable values are '<' for little-endian, '>' for big endian. Default is '<' (little endian). """ ANCH_FILEBEG = 0 ANCH_CURPOS = 1 ANCH_FILEEND = 2 def __init__(self, file_name, mode='r', byteorder="<"): """ Constructor for the BinFile class """ self._bin_file = open(file_name, "%sb" % mode) self._byteorder = byteorder self._mode = mode self._file_pos = self._bin_file.tell() self._read_target = False return
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the file """ self._bin_file.close() self._file_pos = -1 return
[docs] def _read(self, type_string, _peeking=False): """ Read values from the file and return as a specific type. Args: type_string (str): The number and type of data to read from the file. The form of the string is `nt`, where `n` is the number of values to read, and `t` is the type of the values. If `n` is omitted, it is assumed to be 1. Acceptable values for `t` can be found in the table below. Returns: Data from the file as the specified type. For example, a type string of '4f' will return a list of 4 floats. A type string of 'i' will return a single integer. Some possible values for the type character are as follows: +----------------+------------------------+ | Type Character | Meaning | +================+========================+ | i | signed 32-bit integer | +----------------+------------------------+ | h | signed 16-bit integer | +----------------+------------------------+ | b | signed 8-bit integer | +----------------+------------------------+ | f | single-precision float | +----------------+------------------------+ | d | double-precision float | +----------------+------------------------+ | c | single character | +----------------+------------------------+ | s | character string | +----------------+------------------------+ The `s` character may be post-fixed with a number that tells the length of the string. For example, `s10` refers to a string of length 10. See for a full description. """ size = struct.calcsize(type_string) raw = if raw == "": return "" data = struct.unpack("%s%s" % (self._byteorder, type_string), raw) if not _peeking: self._file_pos = self._bin_file.tell() if len(data) == 1: if type_string[-1] == 's': return data[0].strip("\0").strip() else: return data[0] else: return list(data)
[docs] def _write(self, value, type_string): """ Write values to the file. Args: type_string (str): See :py:meth:`_read()` for a full description. """ if type(value) not in [ list, tuple ]: value = [value] self._bin_file.write(struct.pack("%s%s" % (self._byteorder, type_string), *value)) return
[docs] def _read_grid(self, type_string, shape, fortran=False): """ Read a grid from the file. Args: type_string (str): As in :py:meth`_read()`, but only the type character. The number is determined by the `shape` argument. shape (tuple): The shape of the grid to return. fortran (bool): Whether or not to write the grid as a Fortran-formatted block. Default is False. Returns: A grid of data as a numpy array. """ if fortran: block_size = self._read('i') length = reduce(mul, shape) grid = np.array(self._read("%d%s" % (length, type_string))).reshape(shape, order='F') if fortran: self._read('i') return grid
[docs] def _write_grid(self, type_string, grid, fortran=False): """ Write a grid to the file. Args: type_string (str): As in :py:meth`_read()`, but only the type character. The number is determined by the `shape` argument. shape (tuple): The shape of the grid to return. fortran (bool): Whether or not to write the grid as a Fortran-formatted block. Default is False. """ block_size = reduce(mul, grid.shape) if fortran: self._write(block_size, 'i') self._write(list(np.ravel(grid, order='F')), "%d%s" % (block_size, type_string)) if fortran: self._write(block_size, 'i') return
[docs] def _read_block(self, type_dict, dest_dict, fortran=False): """ Read a block of data from the file. Args: type_dict (OrderedDict): An ordered dictionary with variable names as keys and type strings (see :py:meth:`_read()`) as values. dest_dict (dict): A dictionary in which to place the values when they've been read from the file. fortran (bool): Whether or not to read the block as a Fortran-formmated block. Default is false. """ if fortran: block_size = self._read('i') if block_size != self._compute_block_size(type_dict): raise IOError("readBlock(): Got an unexpected block.") for key, type in type_dict.iteritems(): data = self._read(type) if key != '__dummy__': dest_dict[key] = data if fortran: self._read('i') return
[docs] def _write_block(self, type_dict, src_dict, fortran=False): """ Write a block of data from the file. Args: type_dict (OrderedDict): An ordered dictionary with variable names as keys and type strings (see :py:meth:`_read()`) as values. src_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the variable names as keys and their values. fortran (bool): Whether or not to read the block as a Fortran-formmated block. Default is false. """ block_size = self._compute_block_size(type_dict) if fortran: self._write(block_size, 'i') for key, type in type_dict.iteritems(): self._write(src_dict[key], type) if fortran: self._write(block_size, 'i') return
[docs] def _compute_block_size(self, type_dict): return struct.calcsize("".join(type_dict.values()))
[docs] def _peek(self, type_string): """ Peek at a value in the file. Args: type_string (str): See :py:meth:`_read()`. Returns: Data from the file (see :py:meth:`_read()`). """ return self._read(type_string, _peeking=True)
[docs] def _seek(self, location, anchor=ANCH_FILEBEG): """ Move the file pointer to a particular location. Args: location (int): Location in the file in number of bytes. anchor (int): The point in the file to which *location* is relative. For example, `BinFile.ANCH_FILEBEG` means that *location* is relative to the beginning of the file. Default value is `BinFile.ANCH_FILEBEG`. """, anchor) self._file_pos = self._bin_file.tell() return
[docs] def _tell(self): """ Get the current location of the file pointer in bytes from the start of the file. """ return self._file_pos
[docs] def _ateof(self): """ Returns True if the pointer has reached the end of the file, returns False otherwise. """ return == ""
if __name__ == "__main__": bf = BinFile("qc/manual/1km/KCYS.20090605.215744") assert bf._peek('i') == 28 assert bf._read('i') == 28 print "Unit tests done."