Source code for

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from collections import OrderedDict

from binfile import BinFile

[docs]class GridTiltFile(BinFile): """ Read an ARPS EnKF grid-tilt formatted radar observation file. Args: file_name (str): The name of the file to open. vars (list): A list containing the names and order of the variables in the file. Defaults to ['vr', 'Z'] (radial velocity, then reflectivity). mode (str): Read/write mode for this file. The default is 'r' for reading, 'w' for writing is also supported. Attributes: timestamp (datetime): The valid time for the data file. n_tilts (int): Number of elevations in the radar data. n_gridx (int): Number of grid points in the x direction. n_gridy (int): Number of grid points in the y direction. radar_name (str): Name of the radar. radar_lat (float): Latitude of the radar. radar_lon (float): Longitude of the radar. radar_x (float): x coordinate of the radar location on the domain. radar_y (float): y coordinate of the radar location on the domain. d_azimuth (float): Azimuthal spacing for the raw radar data. range_min (float): Minimum range for the raw radar data. range_max (float): Maximum range for the raw radar data. elevations (np.array): List of elevation angles. """ _gtf_time = OrderedDict( [('timestamp', 'i'), ('year', 'i'), ('month', 'i'), ('day', 'i'), ('hour', 'i'), ('minute', 'i'), ('second', 'i')] ) _gtf_dimensions = OrderedDict([('n_tilts', 'i'), ('n_gridx', 'i'), ('n_gridy', 'i')]) _gtf_name = OrderedDict([('radar_name', '10s')]) _gtf_location = OrderedDict( [('radar_lat', 'f'), ('radar_lon', 'f'), ('radar_x', 'f'), ('radar_y', 'f'), ('radar_alt', 'f')] ) _gtf_radar_meta = OrderedDict([('d_azimuth', 'f'), ('range_min', 'f'), ('range_max', 'f')]) def __init__(self, file_name, vars=('vr', 'Z'), mode='r'): """ """ super(GridTiltFile, self).__init__(file_name, mode, byteorder='>') self._vars = ('z', 'r') + vars self._variables = {} if self._mode == 'r': try: self._read_headers() self._read_data() except IOError: raise IOError("File is either corrupt or not a column-tilt file!") return def _read_headers(self): # Read all header blocks for block in [_GTF._gtf_time, _GTF._gtf_dimensions, _GTF._gtf_name, _GTF._gtf_location, _GTF._gtf_radar_meta]: self._read_block(block, self.__dict__, fortran=True) self.timestamp = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) + timedelta(seconds=self.timestamp) return def _write_headers(self): self.year = self.timestamp.year self.month = self.timestamp.month = self.hour = self.timestamp.hour self.minute = self.timestamp.minute self.second = self.timestamp.second self.timestamp = int((self.timestamp - datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).total_seconds()) for block in [ _GTF._gtf_time, _GTF._gtf_dimensions, _GTF._gtf_name, _GTF._gtf_location, _GTF._gtf_radar_meta ]: self._write_block(block, self.__dict__, fortran=True) return def _read_data(self): self.elevations = self._read_grid('f', (self.n_tilts,), fortran=True) for var in self._vars: self._variables[var] = self._read_grid('f', (self.n_gridx, self.n_gridy, self.n_tilts), fortran=True).T return def _write_data(self): self._write_grid('f', self.elevations, fortran=True) for var in self._var_names: self._write_grid('f', self._variables[var].T, fortran=True) return
[docs] def copy_headers(self, gtf): """ Copy the headers from another gridtilt file to this one. Args: gtf (GridTileFile): The grid tilt file from which to take the header information. """ for block in [ _GTF._gtf_time, _GTF._gtf_dimensions, _GTF._gtf_name, _GTF._gtf_location, _GTF._gtf_radar_meta ]: for header in block.iterkeys(): self.__dict__[header] = gtf.__dict__[header] self.elevations = gtf.elevations return
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the file. Write data if opened for writing. """ if self._mode == 'w': self._write_headers() self._write_data() super(GridTiltFile, self).close()
[docs] def __getitem__(self, var_name): """ Retrieve data from the file. Args: var_name (str): Name of the variable to retrieve. Acceptable values are 'z' (height in meters), 'r' (slant range in meters), or any of the names passed to the `vars` keyword argument in :py:meth:`GridTiltFile.__init__()`. Returns: A three-dimensional numpy array (NTILT :math:`\\times` NY :math:`\\times` NX) Examples: >>> gtf = GridTiltFile("/path/to/gridtiltfile/KTLX.20110524.210000") >>> gtf['Z'].max() # Pull the reflectivity out of the file and take the maximum. 68.41645 """ try: return self._variables[var_name] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Variable '%s' not found in file." % var_name)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, var_name, data): """ Set data in the file. Args: var_name (str): Name of the variable to set. Use 'z' for height and 'r' for slant range. data (np.array): The data put into the file. Must be the same shape as the rest of the variables. Examples: >>> gtf = GridTiltFile("/path/to/gridtiltfile/KTLX.20110524.210000") >>> gtf['Z'] = new_reflectivity_data """ if var_name not in self._variables: raise ValueError("Variable '%s' not found in file." % var_name) if data.shape != self._variables[var_name].shape: raise ValueError("Variable '%s' not the same shape as the rest of the file" % var_name) self._variables[var_name] = data
#Alias to _GTF to make it easier to access the format dictionaries _GTF = GridTiltFile if __name__ == "__main__": gtf = GridTiltFile("/data6/tsupinie/goshen/qc/manual/1km/KFTG.20090605.215129") print gtf['Z'].max(), gtf['Z'].min()