Source code for pycaps.util.grid

def _imports():
    global copy, izip, np, pylab, Polygon, Basemap, os

    import numpy as np
    import pylab
    import os
    from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
    from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
    from itertools import izip
    import copy

if __name__ != "__main__":

def _default_value(value, default):
    if value is not None:  return value
    else:                  return default

def _slice_union(*slices):
    slc_start = min( s.start for s in slices )
    slc_stop = max( s.stop for s in slices )
    return slice(slc_start, slc_stop)

def _slice_intersection(*slices):
    slc_start = max( s.start for s in slices )
    slc_stop = min( s.stop for s in slices )
    return slice(slc_start, max(slc_start, slc_end))

[docs]class ExperimentGrid(object): """ Represents an ARPS Arakawa C grid, with provisions for subsets. Args: grid_size (tuple): Tuple of integers (NX, NY) representing the number of grid points in each dimension of the grid. grid_spacing (tuple): Tuple of floats (DX, DY) representing the grid spacing in meters in each dimension of the grid. bounds (tuple): Tuple of slice objects (SLICEX, SLICEY) representing the bounds in each direction of a subset of the grid. Default is (slice(None), slice(None)) mpi (tuple): Tuple of integers (NPROCX, NPROCY) representing the MPI configuration for this grid. Default is (1, 1), meaning no MPI. state_list (list): An optional list of strings containing the two-letter postal codes for each state visible in the domain. This is used for optimizing the drawPolitical() method. projection (str): Map projection to use. Only tested value is 'lcc' for Lambert conic conformal. resolution (str): Resolution of the mapping data to load. Acceptable values are 'c' (crude), 'l' (low), and 'i' (intermediate). Recommended value is 'i'. lat_0: Center latitude for the Lambert projection (degrees N) lat_1: True latitude 1 for the Lambert projection (degrees N) lat_2: True latitude 2 for the Lambert projection (degrees N) lon_0: True longitude for the Lambert projection (degrees E) ctr_lat: Center latitude for the domain (degrees N) ctr_lon: Center longitude for the domain (degrees E) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Constructor for the ExperimentGrid class """ self._nx, self._ny = kwargs['grid_size'] self._dx, self._dy = kwargs['grid_spacing'] del kwargs['grid_size'] del kwargs['grid_spacing'] bounds = kwargs.get('bounds', (slice(None), slice(None))) if bounds is None: self._bound_x, self._bound_y = slice(0, self._nx), slice(0, self._ny) else: bound_x, bound_y = bounds self._bound_x = slice(_default_value(bound_x.start, 0), _default_value(bound_x.stop, self._nx)) self._bound_y = slice(_default_value(bound_y.start, 0), _default_value(bound_y.stop, self._ny)) self._mpi_x, self._mpi_y = kwargs.get('mpi', (1, 1)) if 'bounds' in kwargs: del kwargs['bounds'] if 'mpi' in kwargs: del kwargs['mpi'] kwargs['rsphere'] = 6371000 kwargs['width'] = self._dx * self._nx kwargs['height'] = self._dy * self._ny if 'ctr_lat' in kwargs: self._ctr_lat = kwargs['ctr_lat'] del kwargs['ctr_lat'] else: self._ctr_lat = kwargs['lat_0'] if 'ctr_lon' in kwargs: self._ctr_lon = kwargs['ctr_lon'] del kwargs['ctr_lon'] else: self._ctr_lon = kwargs['lon_0'] if 'state_list' in kwargs: self._state_list = kwargs['state_list'] del kwargs['state_list'] else: self._state_list = None self._proj = copy.copy(kwargs) map = Basemap(**kwargs) ctr_x, ctr_y = map(self._ctr_lon, self._ctr_lat) move_x = ctr_x - kwargs['width'] / 2 move_y = ctr_y - kwargs['height'] / 2 lower_bound_x = _default_value(self._bound_x.start, 0) lower_bound_y = _default_value(self._bound_y.start, 0) upper_bound_x = _default_value(self._bound_x.stop, self._nx) - 1.4 upper_bound_y = _default_value(self._bound_y.stop, self._ny) - 1.4 llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat = map(move_x + self._dx * lower_bound_x, move_y + self._dy * lower_bound_y, inverse=True) urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat = map(move_x + self._dx * upper_bound_x, move_y + self._dy * upper_bound_y, inverse=True) del kwargs['width'] del kwargs['height'] kwargs['llcrnrlat'] = llcrnrlat kwargs['llcrnrlon'] = llcrnrlon kwargs['urcrnrlat'] = urcrnrlat kwargs['urcrnrlon'] = urcrnrlon self._map = Basemap(**kwargs) return
[docs] def get_xy(self, ij=None, pcm=False): """ Get x, y coordinates of the center each grid point or a specific grid point. Args: ij (tuple): Get the coordinates of the grid point specified by (i, j). Optional. pcm (bool): Get the coordinates of the corners of the cells, rather than the centers. Returns: If ij is not specified, a tuple of 2-dimensional numpy arrays (x, y). Axes are ordered (NX, NY). If ij is specified, returns a tuple of floats. Both are in meters. """ diff = 0 if pcm else 1 off_x = self._dx / 2. off_y = self._dy / 2. xs, ys = np.meshgrid(self._dx * (np.arange(self._nx) - diff), self._dy * (np.arange(self._ny) - diff)) xs = xs[self.get_bounds(pcm=pcm)] xs = xs - xs[0, 0] - off_x ys = ys[self.get_bounds(pcm=pcm)] ys = ys - ys[0, 0] - off_y if ij is None: return xs, ys else: x, y = ij return xs[x, y], ys[x, y]
[docs] def get_bounds(self, pcm=False): """ Get the grid point bounds for this subdomain Args: pcm (bool): Whether to assume this will be used in matplotlib's `pcolormesh()` function. Default is False. Returns: The bounds as a tuple of slice objects (SLICEY, SLICEX) """ bnd_y, bnd_x = self._bound_y, self._bound_x cores = self.get_cores() x_slc_core, y_slc_core = [], [] for core in cores: x_slc, y_slc = self.core_bounds(*core) x_slc_core.append(x_slc) y_slc_core.append(y_slc) cores_bnd_x = _slice_union(*x_slc_core) cores_bnd_y = _slice_union(*y_slc_core) bnd_y = slice(bnd_y.start - cores_bnd_y.start, bnd_y.stop - cores_bnd_y.start) bnd_x = slice(bnd_x.start - cores_bnd_x.start, bnd_x.stop - cores_bnd_x.start) expand = 1 if pcm else 0 bnd_y = slice(bnd_y.start, bnd_y.stop + expand) bnd_x = slice(bnd_x.start, bnd_x.stop + expand) return bnd_y, bnd_x
[docs] def get_center(self): """ Get the center lat and lon in the domain. Returns: A tuple of floats (LAT, LON) in degrees. """ return self._ctr_lat, self._ctr_lon
[docs] def get_boundary_coords(self): """ Get the latitudes and longitudes of the boundary of this domain (useful for drawing this domain using another projection). Returns: A tuple of 1-dimensional numpy arrays containing the latitudes and longitudes of the domain boundary in degrees. """ def _create_boundary(nx, ny, lb_x=0, lb_y=0): boundary_x = lb_x * np.ones((2 * (nx + ny),)) boundary_y = lb_y * np.ones((2 * (nx + ny),)) boundary_x[:nx] = np.arange(lb_x, lb_x + nx) boundary_x[nx:(nx + ny)] = lb_x + nx boundary_x[(nx + ny):(2 * nx + ny)] = np.arange(lb_x + nx, lb_x, -1) boundary_y[nx:(nx + ny)] = np.arange(lb_y, lb_y + ny) boundary_y[(nx + ny):(2 * nx + ny)] = lb_y + ny boundary_y[(2 * nx + ny):(2 * (nx + ny))] = np.arange(lb_y + ny, lb_y, -1) return boundary_x, boundary_y if self._bound_x != slice(None) and self._bound_y != slice(None): subset_nx = self._bound_x.stop - self._bound_x.start subset_ny = self._bound_y.stop - self._bound_y.start boundary_x, boundary_y = _create_boundary(subset_nx, subset_ny, self._bound_x.start, self._bound_y.start) else: boundary_x, boundary_y = _create_boundary(self._nx, self._ny) boundary_lons, boundary_lats = self(self._dx * boundary_x, self._dy * boundary_y, inverse=True) return boundary_lats, boundary_lons
[docs] def get_grid_spacing(self): """ Get the grid spacing. Returns: The grid spacing in meters as a tuple (DX, DY). """ return self._dx, self._dy
[docs] def get_grid_size(self): """ Get the number of grid points. Returns: The number of grid points in the full domain as a tuple (NX, NY). """ nx, ny = self._nx, self._ny return nx, ny
[docs] def get_width_height(self, override=False): """ Get the width and height of the domain. Returns: The width and height of the domain in meters of the subsetted domain as a tuple (WIDTHX, WIDTHY) """ if self._bound_x == slice(None) and self._bound_y == slice(None) or override: return self._dx * self._nx, self._dy * self._ny else: return self._dx * (self._bound_x.stop - self._bound_x.start), self._dy * (self._bound_y.stop - self._bound_y.start)
[docs] def core_bounds(self, icore, jcore): """ Get the grid point bounds for a particular core. Args: icore (int): i-index of the core on the domain. jcore (int): j-index of the core on the domain. Returns: A tuple of slice objects (BOUNDX, BOUNDY). """ nx_core = (self._nx - 3) / self._mpi_x + 3 ny_core = (self._ny - 3) / self._mpi_y + 3 lower_bound_x = (nx_core - 3) * icore upper_bound_x = (nx_core - 3) * (icore + 1) + 4 lower_bound_y = (ny_core - 3) * jcore upper_bound_y = (ny_core - 3) * (jcore + 1) + 4 return slice(lower_bound_x, upper_bound_x), slice(lower_bound_y, upper_bound_y)
[docs] def get_cores(self): """ Get a list of cores that are in the domain subset. Returns: A list of tuples containing the i and j indices of the cores in the domain subset. """ lower_bound_x = _default_value(self._bound_x.start, 0) lower_bound_y = _default_value(self._bound_y.start, 0) upper_bound_x = _default_value(self._bound_x.stop, self._nx) - 1 upper_bound_y = _default_value(self._bound_y.stop, self._ny) - 1 cores = [] for icore in xrange(self._mpi_x): for jcore in xrange(self._mpi_y): core_bounds_x, core_bounds_y = self.core_bounds(icore, jcore) out_of_bounds_x = (upper_bound_x < core_bounds_x.start) out_of_bounds_x |= (lower_bound_x > core_bounds_x.stop) out_of_bounds_y = (upper_bound_y < core_bounds_y.start) out_of_bounds_y |= (lower_bound_y > core_bounds_y.stop) if not(out_of_bounds_x or out_of_bounds_y): cores.append((icore, jcore)) return cores
[docs] def draw_political(self, scale_len=0, overlays=[], color='k', lw=1): """ Draw political boundaries on the current matplotlib axes. Args: scale_len (float): Length of a scale bar in km to draw in the bottom-left corner of the plot. Default is 0, meaning no scale. overlays (list): A list of strings pointing to shapefiles to plot as overlays. color (str): Color in which to draw the political boundaries. Defaults to 'k' (black). lw (float): Base line width for the political boundaries. Country boundaries are drawn with width `lw`, states with width `1.5 * lw`, and counties are drawn with width `0.5 * lw` """ self._map.drawcountries(linewidth=lw, color=color) self._map.drawcoastlines(linewidth=lw, color=color) shapefile_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data') if not hasattr(self._map, 'counties'): self._map.readshapefile(shapefile_dir + "/counties/countyp020", 'counties', linewidth=(lw * 0.5), color=color) else: for county, data in izip(self._map.counties_info, self._map.counties): if not self._state_list or county['STATE'] in self._state_list: pylab.gca().add_patch(Polygon(data, ec=color, fc='none', linewidth=(lw * 0.5))) if not hasattr(self._map, 'states'): self._map.readshapefile(shapefile_dir + "/states/tl_2011_us_state", 'states', linewidth=(lw * 1.5), color=color) else: for state, data in izip(self._map.states_info, self._map.states): if not self._state_list or state['STUSPS'] in self._state_list: pylab.gca().add_patch(Polygon(data, ec=color, fc='none', linewidth=(lw * 1.5))) for overlay in overlays: self._map.readshapefile(overlay, overlay, linewidth=(lw * 0.5), color=color) if scale_len > 0: offset_x, offset_y = 0.03, 0.09 ax_trans = pylab.gca().transData + pylab.gca().transAxes.inverted() coords_x, coords_y = ax_trans.transform(1000 * np.array([[0, scale_len], [0, 0]])) scale_bar = pylab.plot(coords_x + offset_x, coords_y + offset_y, 'k-', lw=(lw * 2.5), transform=pylab.gca().transAxes) scale_txt = pylab.text(coords_x.mean() + offset_x, coords_y.mean() + offset_y - 0.025, "%d km" % scale_len, color='k', ha='center', va='top', transform=pylab.gca().transAxes) txt_extent = scale_txt.get_window_extent(renderer=pylab.gcf().canvas.get_renderer()).get_points() txt_extent_ax_x, txt_extent_ax_y = pylab.gca().transAxes.inverted().transform(txt_extent) if txt_extent_ax_x[0] < 0.01: fudge = 0.01 - txt_extent_ax_x[0] scale_bar[0].set_xdata(scale_bar[0].get_xdata() + fudge) tp_x, tp_y = scale_txt.get_position() scale_txt.set_position((tp_x + fudge, tp_y)) return
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Convert between latitude, longitude coordinates and x, y coordinates on the domain. The only meaningful keyword argument is `inverse`, which should be a boolean specifying whether to convert from latitudes and longitudes to x, y (False) or vice-versa (True). Default is False. If inverse is False, *args is two numpy arrays of longitudes and latitudes in degrees. If inverse is True, *args is two numpy arrays of x and y coordinates in meters. Returns: A tuple of numpy arrays of either x and y coordinates in meters or longitudes and latitudes in degrees. """ return self._map(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def from_file(fobj, projection='lcc', resolution='l', mpi=(1, 1), bounds=None): """ Construct an ExperimentGrid object from information found in a history file. Should work for WRF and ARPS. Args: fobj: File object (such as a NetCDF or HDF file) from which to take the information. projection (str): Map projection to use. Currently, the only supported value is 'lcc' for Lambert Conic Conformal. resolution (str): Resolution of the mapping data to load. Acceptable values are 'c' (crude), 'l' (low), and 'i' (intermediate). Recommended value is 'i'. mpi (tuple): Tuple of integers (NPROCX, NPROCY) representing the MPI configuration for this grid. Default is (1, 1), meaning no MPI. bounds (tuple): Tuple of slice objects (SLICEX, SLICEY) representing the bounds in each direction of a subset of the grid. Default is (slice(None), slice(None)) Returns: ExperimentGrid: An ExperimentGrid object with parameters matching those in the input file. """ def _get_attrs(fobj, tries): for var, attr in tries: if var is None: if hasattr(fobj, attr): return getattr(fobj, attr) else: if var in fobj.variables and hasattr(fobj.variables[var], attr): return getattr(fobj.variables[var], attr) nx = _get_attrs(fobj, [('x_stag', 'shape'), ('XLONG', 'shape'), ('x', 'shape')]) ny = _get_attrs(fobj, [('y_stag', 'shape'), ('XLAT', 'shape'), ('y', 'shape')]) if len(nx) == 1: nx = nx[0] else: nx = nx[-1] if len(ny) == 1: ny = ny[0] else: ny = ny[-2] dx = _get_attrs(fobj, [(None, 'DX')]) dy = _get_attrs(fobj, [(None, 'DY')]) ctr_lat = _get_attrs(fobj, [(None, 'CTRLAT'), (None, 'CEN_LAT')]) ctr_lon = _get_attrs(fobj, [(None, 'CTRLON'), (None, 'CEN_LON')]) lat_0 = _get_attrs(fobj, [(None, 'latitude_of_projection_origin'), (None, 'CEN_LAT')]) lon_0 = _get_attrs(fobj, [(None, 'longitude_of_central_meridian'), (None, 'STAND_LON')]) lat_1 = _get_attrs(fobj, [(None, 'TRUELAT1')]) lat_2 = _get_attrs(fobj, [(None, 'TRUELAT2')]) return ExperimentGrid(projection=projection, resolution=resolution, grid_size=(nx, ny), grid_spacing=(dx, dy), ctr_lat=ctr_lat, ctr_lon=ctr_lon, lat_0=lat_0, lon_0=lon_0, lat_1=lat_1, lat_2=lat_2, mpi=mpi, bounds=bounds)
if __name__ == "__main__": import matplotlib import mapproj matplotlib.use('agg') _imports() grid = goshen_1km_grid() # grid.drawPolitical() # pylab.savefig("grid_test.png") ctr_lat, ctr_lon = np.array([41.61975]), np.array([-104.34843]) nx, ny = 255, 255 dx, dy = 1000., 1000. mapproj.setmapr(2, 1., np.array([30., 60.]), -107.344) ctr_x, ctr_y = mapproj.lltoxy(ctr_lat, ctr_lon) sw_x, sw_y = ctr_x - nx * dx / 2, ctr_y - ny * dy / 2 mapproj.setorig(1, sw_x, sw_y) print grid(ctr_lon, ctr_lat) print mapproj.lltoxy(ctr_lat, ctr_lon)