Source code for pycaps.util.progress

import sys
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def _format_timedelta(td):
    seconds = td.total_seconds()
    hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
    return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, round(seconds))

[docs]class ProgressBar(object): def __init__(self, descr, n_steps, width=20): """ Create a progress bar object. Doesn't actually start timing or print anything; call initialize() to do that. Args: descr (str): Description of the task to be performed (e.g. "Loading data: ") n_steps (int): Number of steps involved in the task. width (int): Width of the progress bar on screen in characters. """ self._descr = descr self._progress = 0 self._n_steps = n_steps self._width = width
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Starts timing the task and prints the initial progress bar to the screen. """ self._start_time = self._print_bar()
[docs] def is_complete(self): """ Is the task complete? Returns: A boolean specifying whether or not the task is complete. """ return self._progress == self._n_steps
[docs] def complete_step(self, print_bar=True): """ Tell a progress bar that one of the tasks is complete. Args: print_bar (bool): Whether or not to print the bar after this step (defaults to True). """ self.set_step(self._progress + 1, print_bar=print_bar)
[docs] def set_step(self, step, print_bar=True): """ Tell the progress bar that we have completed a certain number of tasks. Args: step (int): The number of tasks we have completed. print_bar (bool): Whether or not to print the bar after this step (defaults to True). """ if step > self._n_steps: # print "Warning: Step number %d out of bounds for current progress bar (%d steps max)." % (step, self._n_steps) step = self._n_steps self._progress = step if print_bar: self._print_bar()
def _print_bar(self): """ Print the bar to the screen. """ n_hashes = self._progress * self._width / self._n_steps n_spaces = self._width - n_hashes completed = "%.1f%%" % (100 * float(self._progress) / self._n_steps) completed_pad = " " * (6 - len(completed)) elapsed = _format_timedelta( - self._start_time) sys.stdout.write("\r%s[%s%s] %s%s (%s elapsed)" % (self._descr, "#" * n_hashes, " " * n_spaces, completed, completed_pad, elapsed)) sys.stdout.flush() if self.is_complete(): print
if __name__ == "__main__": import time n_steps = 130 pb = ProgressBar("Loading stuff: ", n_steps, width=40) pb.initialize() for idx in xrange(n_steps): time.sleep(0.1) pb.complete_step()