Source code for pycaps.verify.ProbabilityMetrics

__author__ = "David John Gagne <>"
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ContingencyTable import ContingencyTable

[docs]class ROC(object): def __init__(self, forecasts, observations, thresholds, obs_threshold): self.forecasts = forecasts self.observations = observations self.thresholds = thresholds self.obs_threshold = obs_threshold self.pod = np.zeros(thresholds.shape) self.pofd = np.zeros(thresholds.shape) self.far = np.zeros(thresholds.shape) self.calc_roc()
[docs] def calc_roc(self): ct = ContingencyTable(0, 0, 0, 0) for t, threshold in enumerate(self.thresholds): tp = np.count_nonzero((self.forecasts >= threshold) & (self.observations >= self.obs_threshold)) fp = np.count_nonzero((self.forecasts >= threshold) & (self.observations < self.obs_threshold)) fn = np.count_nonzero((self.forecasts < threshold) & (self.observations >= self.obs_threshold)) tn = np.count_nonzero((self.forecasts < threshold) & (self.observations < self.obs_threshold)) ct.update(tp, fp, fn, tn) self.pod[t] = ct.pod() self.pofd[t] = ct.pofd() self.far[t] = ct.far()
[docs] def auc(self): return -np.trapz(self.pod, self.pofd)
[docs]class DistributedROC(object): """ Store statistics for calculating receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and performance diagrams and permit easy aggregation of ROC curves from many small datasets. Parameters ---------- thresholds : numpy.ndarray of floats List of probability thresholds in increasing order. obs_threshold : float Observation value used as the split point for determining positives. input_str : str String in the format output by the __str__ method so that initialization of the object can be done from items in a text file. """ def __init__(self, thresholds=None, obs_threshold=None, input_str=None): self.thresholds = thresholds self.obs_threshold = obs_threshold if self.thresholds is not None: self.contingency_tables = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((thresholds.size, 4), dtype=int), columns=["TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]) else: self.contingency_tables = pd.DataFrame(columns=["TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]) if input_str is not None: self.from_str(input_str)
[docs] def update(self, forecasts, observations): """ Update the ROC curve with a set of forecasts and observations :param forecasts: 1D array of forecast values :param observations: 1D array of observation values. :return: """ for t, threshold in enumerate(self.thresholds): tp = np.count_nonzero((forecasts >= threshold) & (observations >= self.obs_threshold)) fp = np.count_nonzero((forecasts >= threshold) & (observations < self.obs_threshold)) fn = np.count_nonzero((forecasts < threshold) & (observations >= self.obs_threshold)) tn = np.count_nonzero((forecasts < threshold) & (observations < self.obs_threshold)) self.contingency_tables.ix[t] += [tp, fp, fn, tn]
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ Add two DistributedROC objects together and combine their contingency table values. :param other: Another DistributedROC object. :return: """ sum_roc = DistributedROC(self.thresholds, self.obs_threshold) sum_roc.contingency_tables = self.contingency_tables + other.contingency_tables return sum_roc
[docs] def merge(self, other_roc): """ Ingest the values of another DistributedROC object into this one and update the statistics inplace. :param other_roc: another DistributedROC object. :return: """ if other_roc.thresholds.size == self.thresholds.size and np.all(other_roc.thresholds == self.thresholds): self.contingency_tables += other_roc.contingency_tables else: print("Input table thresholds do not match.")
[docs] def roc_curve(self): """ Generate a ROC curve from the contingency table by calculating the probability of detection (TP/(TP+FN)) and the probability of false detection (FP/(FP+TN)). :return: A pandas.DataFrame containing the POD, POFD, and the corresponding probability thresholds. """ pod = self.contingency_tables["TP"].astype(float) / (self.contingency_tables["TP"] + self.contingency_tables["FN"]) pofd = self.contingency_tables["FP"].astype(float) / (self.contingency_tables["FP"] + self.contingency_tables["TN"]) return pd.DataFrame({"POD": pod, "POFD": pofd, "Thresholds": self.thresholds}, columns=["POD", "POFD", "Thresholds"])
[docs] def performance_curve(self): """ Calculate the Probability of Detection and False Alarm Ratio in order to output a performance diagram. :return: pandas.DataFrame containing POD, FAR, and probability thresholds. """ pod = self.contingency_tables["TP"] / (self.contingency_tables["TP"] + self.contingency_tables["FN"]) far = self.contingency_tables["FP"] / (self.contingency_tables["FP"] + self.contingency_tables["TP"]) return pd.DataFrame({"POD": pod, "FAR": far, "Thresholds": self.thresholds}, columns=["POD", "FAR", "Thresholds"])
[docs] def auc(self): """ Calculate the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC). :return: """ roc_curve = self.roc_curve() return np.abs(np.trapz(roc_curve['POD'], x=roc_curve['POFD']))
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Output the information within the DistributedROC object to a string. :return: """ out_str = "Obs_Threshold:{0:0.2f}".format(self.obs_threshold) + ";" out_str += "Thresholds:" + " ".join(["{0:0.2f}".format(t) for t in self.thresholds]) + ";" for col in self.contingency_tables.columns: out_str += col + ":" + " ".join(["{0:d}".format(t) for t in self.contingency_tables[col]]) + ";" out_str = out_str.rstrip(";") return out_str
def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def from_str(self, in_str): """ Read the object string and parse the contingency table values from it. :param in_str: :return: """ parts = in_str.split(";") for part in parts: var_name, value = part.split(":") if var_name == "Obs_Threshold": self.obs_threshold = float(value) elif var_name == "Thresholds": self.thresholds = np.array(value.split(), dtype=float) elif var_name in ["TP", "FP", "FN", "TN"]: self.contingency_tables[var_name] = np.array(value.split(), dtype=int)
[docs]class Reliability(object): def __init__(self, forecasts, observations, thresholds, obs_threshold): self.forecasts = forecasts self.observations = observations self.thresholds = thresholds self.obs_threshold = obs_threshold self.pos_relative_frequency = np.zeros(self.thresholds.shape) self.total_relative_frequency = np.zeros(self.thresholds.shape) self.calc_reliability_curve()
[docs] def calc_reliability_curve(self): pos_frequency = np.zeros(self.thresholds.shape) total_frequency = np.zeros(self.thresholds.shape) for t, threshold in enumerate(self.thresholds[:-1]): pos_frequency[t] = np.count_nonzero((threshold <= self.forecasts) & (self.forecasts < self.thresholds[t+1]) & (self.observations > self.obs_threshold)) total_frequency[t] = np.count_nonzero((threshold <= self.forecasts) & (self.forecasts < self.thresholds[t+1])) if total_frequency[t] > 0: self.pos_relative_frequency[t] = pos_frequency[t] / float(total_frequency[t]) self.total_relative_frequency[t] = total_frequency / self.forecasts.size else: self.pos_relative_frequency[t] = np.nan self.pos_relative_frequency[-1] = np.nan
[docs] def brier_score(self): obs_truth = np.where(self.observations >= self.obs_threshold, 1, 0) return np.mean((self.forecasts - obs_truth) ** 2)
[docs] def brier_score_components(self): obs_truth = np.where(self.observations >= self.obs_threshold, 1, 0) climo_freq = obs_truth.sum() / float(obs_truth.size) total_freq = self.total_relative_frequency * self.forecasts.size bins = 0.5 * (self.thresholds[0:-1] + self.thresholds[1:]) pos_rel_freq = np.where(np.isnan(self.pos_relative_frequency), 0, self.pos_relative_frequency) reliability = np.mean(total_freq * (bins - pos_rel_freq) ** 2) resolution = np.mean(total_freq * (pos_rel_freq - climo_freq) ** 2) uncertainty = climo_freq * (1 - climo_freq) return reliability, resolution, uncertainty
[docs] def brier_skill_score(self): obs_truth = np.where(self.observations >= self.obs_threshold, 1, 0) climo_freq = obs_truth.sum() / float(obs_truth.size) bs_climo = np.mean((climo_freq - obs_truth) **2) bs = self.brier_score() return 1.0 - bs / bs_climo
def __str__(self): return "Brier Score: {0:0.3f}, Reliability: {1:0.3f}, Resolution: {2:0.3f}, Uncertainty: {3:0.3f}".format( tuple([self.brier_score()] + list(self.brier_score_components())))
[docs]class DistributedReliability(object): """ A container for the statistics required to generate reliability diagrams and calculate the Brier Score. Parameters ---------- thresholds : numpy.ndarray Array of probability thresholds obs_threshold : float Split value for the observations input_str : str String containing information to initialize the object from a text representation. """ def __init__(self, thresholds=None, obs_threshold=None, input_str=None): self.thresholds = thresholds self.obs_threshold = obs_threshold if self.thresholds is None: self.frequencies = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Total_Freq", "Positive_Freq"]) else: self.frequencies = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((self.thresholds.size, 2), dtype=int), columns=["Total_Freq", "Positive_Freq"]) if input_str is not None: self.from_str(input_str)
[docs] def update(self, forecasts, observations): """ Update the statistics with a set of forecasts and observations. :param forecasts: :param observations: :return: """ for t, threshold in enumerate(self.thresholds[:-1]): self.frequencies.loc[t, "Positive_Freq"] += np.count_nonzero((threshold <= forecasts) & (forecasts < self.thresholds[t+1]) & (observations >= self.obs_threshold)) self.frequencies.loc[t, "Total_Freq"] += np.count_nonzero((threshold <= forecasts) & (forecasts < self.thresholds[t+1]))
[docs] def __add__(self, other): """ Add two DistributedReliability objects together and combine their values. :param other: a DistributedReliability object :return: a DistributedReliability Object """ sum_rel = DistributedReliability(self.thresholds, self.obs_threshold) sum_rel.frequencies = self.frequencies + other.frequencies return sum_rel
[docs] def merge(self, other_rel): if other_rel.thresholds.size == self.thresholds.size and np.all(other_rel.thresholds == self.thresholds): self.frequencies += other_rel.frequencies else: print("Input table thresholds do not match.")
[docs] def reliability_curve(self): """ Calculate the reliability diagram statistics. :return: """ total = self.frequencies["Total_Freq"].sum() curve = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Bin_Start", "Bin_End", "Bin_Center", "Positive_Relative_Freq", "Total_Relative_Freq"]) curve["Bin_Start"] = self.thresholds[:-1] curve["Bin_End"] = self.thresholds[1:] curve["Bin_Center"] = 0.5 * (self.thresholds[:-1] + self.thresholds[1:]) curve["Positive_Relative_Freq"] = self.frequencies["Positive_Freq"] / self.frequencies["Total_Freq"] curve["Total_Relative_Freq"] = self.frequencies["Total_Freq"] / total return curve
[docs] def brier_score_components(self): """ Calculate the components of the Brier score decomposition: reliability, resolution, and uncertainty. :return: """ rel_curve = self.reliability_curve() total = self.frequencies["Total_Freq"].sum() climo_freq = float(self.frequencies["Positive_Freq"].sum()) / self.frequencies["Total_Freq"].sum() reliability = np.sum(self.frequencies["Total_Freq"] * (rel_curve["Bin_Start"] - rel_curve["Positive_Relative_Freq"]) ** 2) / total resolution = np.sum(self.frequencies["Total_Freq"] * (rel_curve["Positive_Relative_Freq"] - climo_freq) ** 2) \ / total uncertainty = climo_freq * (1 - climo_freq) return reliability, resolution, uncertainty
[docs] def climatology(self): return float(self.frequencies["Positive_Freq"].sum()) / self.frequencies["Total_Freq"].sum()
[docs] def brier_score(self): """ Calculate the Brier Score :return: """ reliability, resolution, uncertainty = self.brier_score_components() return reliability - resolution + uncertainty
[docs] def brier_skill_score(self): """ Calculate the Brier Skill Score :return: """ reliability, resolution, uncertainty = self.brier_score_components() return (resolution - reliability) / uncertainty
def __str__(self): out_str = "Obs_Threshold:{0:0.2f}".format(self.obs_threshold) + ";" out_str += "Thresholds:" + " ".join(["{0:0.2f}".format(t) for t in self.thresholds]) + ";" for col in self.frequencies.columns: out_str += col + ":" + " ".join(["{0:d}".format(t) for t in self.frequencies[col]]) + ";" out_str = out_str.rstrip(";") return out_str def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def from_str(self, in_str): parts = in_str.split(";") for part in parts: var_name, value = part.split(":") if var_name == "Obs_Threshold": self.obs_threshold = float(value) elif var_name == "Thresholds": self.thresholds = np.array(value.split(), dtype=float) elif var_name in ["Positive_Freq", "Total_Freq"]: self.frequencies[var_name] = np.array(value.split(), dtype=int)
[docs]class DistributedCRPS(object): """ A container for the statistics used to calculate the Continuous Ranked Probability Score Parameters ---------- thresholds : numpy.ndarray Array of the intensity threshold bins input_str : str String containing the information for initializing the object from a storable text format. """ def __init__(self, thresholds=None, input_str=None): self.thresholds = thresholds if self.thresholds is None: self.errors = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Errors", "Pos_Counts"]) else: self.errors = pd.DataFrame({"Errors":np.zeros(self.thresholds.size), "Pos_Counts":np.zeros(self.thresholds.size, dtype=int)}, columns=["Errors", "Pos_Counts"]) self.num_forecasts = 0 if input_str is not None: self.from_str(input_str)
[docs] def update(self, forecasts, observations): """ Update the statistics with forecasts and observations. :param forecasts: :param observations: :return: """ forecast_cdfs = np.cumsum(forecasts, axis=1) obs_cdfs = np.zeros((observations.size, self.thresholds.size)) for o, observation in enumerate(observations): obs_cdfs[o, self.thresholds >= observation] = 1 self.errors["Errors"] += np.sum((forecast_cdfs - obs_cdfs) ** 2, axis=0) self.errors["Pos_Counts"] += np.sum(obs_cdfs, axis=0) self.num_forecasts += forecasts.shape[0]
def __add__(self, other): sum_crps = DistributedCRPS(self.thresholds) sum_crps.errors = self.errors + other.errors sum_crps.num_forecasts = self.num_forecasts + other.num_forecasts return sum_crps
[docs] def merge(self, other_crps): if other_crps.thresholds.size == self.thresholds.size and np.all(other_crps.thresholds == self.thresholds): self.errors += other_crps.errors self.num_forecasts += other_crps.num_forecasts else: print("Input table thresholds do not match.")
[docs] def crps(self): """ Calculates the continuous ranked probability score. :return: """ return self.errors["Errors"].sum() / (self.thresholds.size * self.num_forecasts)
[docs] def from_str(self, in_str): str_parts = in_str.split(";") for part in str_parts: var_name, value = part.split(":") if var_name == "Thresholds": self.thresholds = np.array(value.split(), dtype=float) elif var_name == "Errors": self.errors["Errors"] = np.array(value.split(), dtype=float) elif var_name == "Pos_Counts": self.errors["Pos_Counts"] = np.array(value.split(), dtype=int) elif var_name == "Num_Forecasts": self.num_forecasts = int(value)
def __str__(self): out_str = "" out_str += "Thresholds:" + " ".join(["{0:0.2f}".format(t) for t in self.thresholds]) + ";" out_str += "Errors:" + " ".join(["{0:0.3f}".format(e) for e in self.errors["Errors"]]) + ";" out_str += "Pos_Counts:" + " ".join("{0:d}".format(int(e)) for e in self.errors["Pos_Counts"]) + ";" out_str += "Num_Forecasts:{0:d}".format(self.num_forecasts) return out_str def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]def bootstrap(score_objs, n_boot=1000): all_samples = np.random.choice(score_objs, size=(n_boot, len(score_objs)), replace=True) return all_samples.sum(axis=1)