Source code for pycaps.verify.verif_modules


#Code: (Python Module Library)
#Author: Nate Snook (CASA/CAPS/SoM)
#Written: Dec. 2009
#Last modified:  20 Oct. 2015 

# List of contents:

# define_kernel(float, float) -- defines a kernel suitable for NEP or other verification methods
# define_kernel_ellipse(float, float, float) -- defines elliptical (rather than circular) kernels
# NEP_2D(float[:,:], float, float[:,:]) -- calculates neighborhood ensemble probability of a 
#       given 2D (x-y) field using a specified kernel to perform a convolution (SciPy)
# pm_mean_2D(float[:,:,:]) -- calculates the probability-matched mean of a field given an ensemble
#       of 2D slices [nens, ny, nx] of that field


[docs]def define_kernel(radius, dropoff=0.0): """ Defines a 2D kernel suitable for use in neighborhood ensemble probability calculations (or other verification methods requiring the use of a 2D convolution). Args: radius: The radius of the kernel, in gridpoints (can be any whole number) dropoff: Set this to a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to have points near the edge of the radius recieve a lower weight. By default, dropoff is set to 0.0, giving all points within the radius equal weight. Returns: Kernel: a 2D array containing the kernel needed for performing convolutions """ from sys import exit from numpy import zeros, floor #Check for valid positive radius if radius < 0: exit('ERROR: Invalid neighborhood radius -- radius cannot be negative!') kernel = zeros(((2*floor(radius))+1, 2*(floor(radius))+1 )) for i in range(0,kernel.shape[0]): for j in range(0,kernel.shape[1]): icoord = abs(i - (floor(radius))) jcoord = abs(j - (floor(radius))) if ((icoord*icoord) + (jcoord*jcoord) <= (radius*radius)): kernel[i, j] = 1.0 - ( ((icoord*icoord) + (jcoord*jcoord)) / (radius*radius) ) * dropoff #Return the valid kernel array return kernel
[docs]def define_kernel_ellipse(xradius, yradius, dropoff=0.0): """ Defines an elliptical 2D kernel suitable for use in neighborhood ensemble probability calculations (or other verification methods requiring the use of a 2D convolution). Args: xradius: The semi-major (or semi-minor) axis in the east-west direction, in gridpoints (can be any whole number) yradius: The semi-major (or semi-minor) axis in the north-south direction, in gridpoints (can be any whole number) dropoff: Set this to a value between 0.0 and 1.0 to have points near the edge of the radius recieve a lower weight. By default, dropoff is set to 0.0, giving all points within the radius equal weight. Returns: Kernel: a 2D array containing the kernel needed for performing convolutions """ from sys import exit from numpy import zeros, array, shape, floor #Check for valid positive radius if xradius < 0 or yradius < 0: exit('ERROR: Invalid ellipse settings -- semi-minor/semi-major axes cannot be negative!') kernel = zeros(((2*floor(yradius))+1, 2*(floor(xradius))+1)) for i in range(0,kernel.shape[0]): for j in range(0,kernel.shape[1]): icoord = abs(i - (floor(yradius))) jcoord = abs(j - (floor(xradius))) if ( ((icoord*icoord) / (yradius*yradius)) + ((jcoord*jcoord) / (xradius*xradius)) <= 1.0 ): kernel[i, j] = 1.0 - ( ((icoord*icoord)/(yradius*yradius)) + ((jcoord*jcoord)/(xradius*xradius)) ) * dropoff #Return the valid kernel array return kernel
[docs]def NEP_2D(var2D_ens, threshold, kernel): """ A function for performing neighborhood ensemble probability (NEP) Given a ensemble of 2D slices (var2D_ens), this function will perform the NEP of P[var2D > threshold] and return a corresponding 2D array with the NEP values. The NEP will use a neighborhood defined by kernel. The kernel is a 2D array and is defined using the define_kernel function (also contained in this library). Args: var2D_ens: The 2D ensemble of x-y slices to calculate NEP for [n_ens, ny, nx] threshold: NEP will be calculated for P[var2D_ens > threshold] within the neighborhood where threshold can be any real number. kernel: a 2D array of some size < (ny, nx) with values between 0 and 1 to serve as the kernel for the 2D convolution. Returns: var_NEP: a 2D [ny, nx] field containing NEP for P[var2D_ens > threshold] for the given neighborhood (defined by kernel) """ import numpy as np from scipy.signal import convolve2d neighborhood_ensemble = np.empty(var2D_ens.shape) for ens_mem in xrange(var2D_ens.shape[0]): neighborhood_ensemble[ens_mem] = convolve2d(var2D_ens[ens_mem] > threshold, kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm') var_NEP = neighborhood_ensemble.sum(axis=0) / (neighborhood_ensemble.shape[0] * kernel.sum()) return var_NEP
[docs]def ens_prob_within_dist(var2D_ens, threshold, kernel): """ A function for calculating ensemble probability of the form "probability of X within Y km of a point". Similar to, but distinct from, NEP_2D. Given a ensemble of 2D slices (var2D_ens), this function will compute the ensemble probability of P[var2D > threshold (anywhere within kernel)] and return a corresponding 2D array with the probability values. The kernel is a 2D array and is defined using the define_kernel function (also contained in this library). Args: var2D_ens: The 2D ensemble of x-y slices to calculate NEP for [n_ens, ny, nx] threshold: NEP will be calculated for P[var2D_ens > threshold] within the neighborhood where threshold can be any real number. kernel: a 2D array of some size < (ny, nx) with values of 0 or 1 to serve as the kernel for the 2D convolution. Returns: ens_prob: a 2D [ny, nx] field containing NEP for P[var2D_ens > threshold] for the given neighborhood (defined by kernel) """ import numpy as np from scipy.signal import convolve2d neighborhood_ensemble = np.empty(var2D_ens.shape) # for ens_mem in np.arange(1, var2D_ens.shape[0], 1): for ens_mem in xrange(var2D_ens.shape[0]): neighborhood_ensemble[ens_mem] = convolve2d(var2D_ens[ens_mem] > threshold, kernel, mode='same', boundary='symm') neighborhood_ensemble = np.where(neighborhood_ensemble > 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) ens_prob = neighborhood_ensemble.sum(axis=0) / (neighborhood_ensemble.shape[0]) return ens_prob
[docs]def pm_mean_2D(var2D_ens): """ A function for computing probability-matched mean (PM mean) Given an ensemble of 2D slices (var2D_ens), this function will perform the PM mean calculation and return the PM mean as a 2D array over the same slice. var2D_ens should have dimensions of (n_ens, ny, nx). Args: var2D_ens: an ensemble of 2D slices of a variable field [nens, ny, nx] Returns: pm_mean: the probability-matched mean of var2D_ens """ import numpy as np n_ens = var2D_ens.shape[0] ny = var2D_ens.shape[1] nx = var2D_ens.shape[2] ensmean = np.mean(var2D_ens, axis=0) #Calculate ensemble mean all_values = [] for jy in range(0, ny): for ix in range(0, nx): for member in range(0, n_ens): all_values.append(var2D_ens[member, jy, ix]) #Construct a tethered array to track where our ranked values are. tethered_array = np.zeros((ny, nx)) for jy in range(0, ny): for ix in range(0, nx): tethered_array[jy, ix] = jy + (ny * ix) #Construct 1-D arrays to rank values ensmean_1d = [] tethered_1d = [] for jy in range(0, ny): for ix in range(0, nx): ensmean_1d.append(ensmean[jy, ix]) tethered_1d.append(tethered_array[jy, ix]) #Prepare the all_values array by sorting it from high to low: all_values.sort() all_values.reverse() #Tethering array elements to their position as tuples ensures the sort is reversible. position_tuples = zip(tethered_1d, ensmean_1d) #The lambda performs a "mini-function" -- google "python lambda notation" for info. sorted_tuples = sorted(position_tuples, key = lambda x: x[1]) sorted_tuples.reverse() #Put largest values first sorted_tuples = zip(*sorted_tuples) tethered_1d = sorted_tuples[0] ensmean_1d = sorted_tuples[1] pm_mean = np.zeros((ny, nx)) for point in range(0, nx*ny, 1): #The tethered array stores information on the position of the ranked points in ensmean. #We must first convert this data back into i- and j-locations, then assign the corresponding data. loc_jrank = np.mod(tethered_1d[point], ny) loc_irank = np.floor(int(tethered_1d[point] / ny)) pm_mean[loc_jrank, loc_irank] = all_values[0 + (n_ens * point)] return pm_mean