Source code for pycaps.plot.skewTlib

Skew-T Plotting Library

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint

import matplotlib
import pylab
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
from matplotlib.scale import LogScale
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Polygon, Path
from matplotlib.ticker import NullLocator
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.mpl_axes import Axes as InsetAxes

import copy

from pycaps.derive import moist_lapse
from pycaps.derive import temp_from_vapr
from pycaps.derive import sb_parcel
from pycaps.derive import compute_lcl

def _malr(temp, pres):
    return moist_lapse(t=temp, p=pres)

[docs]class SkewTPlotter(object): """ Plot Skew-T log-p diagrams Attributes: p_lines (list): A list of the pressure lines (in hPa) to plot. p_color (str): The color of the pressure lines T_plot_min (float): Minimum isotherm on the plot in degrees C. T_step (float): The temperature difference (in degrees C) between adjacent isotherms. T_color_below_0 (str): The color of isotherms below 0 C T_color_0 (str): The color of the 0 C isotherm T_color_above_0 (str): The color of isotherms above 0 C th_min (float): Minimum dry adiabat on the plot in degrees C (references temperature at 1000 mb). th_max (float): Maximum dry adiabat on the plot in degrees C (references temperature at 1000 mb). th_step (float): Temperature difference (in degrees C) between adjacent dry adiabats. th_color (str): The color of the dry adiabats. the_min (float): Minimum moist adiabat on the plot in degrees C (references temperature at 1000 mb). the_max (float): Maximum moist adiabat on the plot in degrees C (references temeprature at 1000 mb). the_step (float): Temperature difference (in degrees C) between adjacent moist adiabats. the_color (float): The color of the moist adiabats. w_lines (list): A list of mixing ratio lines (in g/kg) to plot. w_min_p (float): The starting pressure (in hPa) for mixing ratio lines. w_max_p (float): The ending pressure (in hPa) for mixing ratio lines. w_color (str): The color of the mixing ratio lines. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor for the SkewTPlotter class """ self._initialized = False self._stlp_data_transform, self._stlp_xlabel_transform, self._stlp_ylabel_transform = None, None, None self._p_min, self._p_max = 100, 1050 self.p_lines = [1000, 925, 850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100] self.p_color = 'k' self.T_plot_min, self._T_min, self._T_max, self.T_step = -110, -30, 50, 10 self.T_color_below_0, self.T_color_0, self.T_color_above_0 = 'c', 'b', '#880000' self.th_min, self.th_max, self.th_step = -30, 200, 10 self.th_color = '#802a2a' self.the_min, self.the_max, self.the_step = -20, 50, 5 self.the_color = '#2e8b57' self.w_lines = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 20] self.w_min_p, self.w_max_p = 600, 1000 self.w_color = '#7fff00' self._initialized = True def _build_transform(self): """ Builds the skew-T log-p transform used in plotting. [private] """ current_axes = pylab.gca() data_figure_trans = current_axes.transData + current_axes.transAxes.inverted() pylab.xlim((self.T_min, self.T_max)) pylab.ylim((self.p_min, self.p_max)) identity_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) for idx in range(3): identity_matrix[idx, idx] = 1 # Create the affine matrix for the skew transform. This only works in data coordinates. We'll fix that later ... skew_matrix = np.copy(identity_matrix) skew_matrix[0, 1] = np.tan(45 * np.pi / 180) skew_transform = transforms.Affine2D(skew_matrix) # Create the logarithmic transform in the y. log_p_transform = transforms.blended_transform_factory(transforms.Affine2D(), LogScale(current_axes.yaxis, basey=10).get_transform()) # The log transform shrinks everything to log(p) space, so define a scale factor to blow it back up to a # reasonable size. Also, need to scale everything to -30 to 50 C in T and 1000 to 100 hPa in p to get the # skewing to work properly. p_bnd_pre_trans = log_p_transform.transform(np.array([[0, 100], [0, 1000]]))[:, 1] pre_p_scale_factor = (self.p_max - self.p_min) / (p_bnd_pre_trans[1] - p_bnd_pre_trans[0]) pre_T_scale_factor = (self.T_max - self.T_min) / (50. - -30.) # This will scale it to the user's requested size. p_bnd_post_trans = log_p_transform.transform(np.array([[0, self.p_min], [0, self.p_max]]))[:, 1] post_p_scale_factor = (self.p_max - self.p_min) / (p_bnd_post_trans[1] - p_bnd_post_trans[0]) # Define the affine transform for the flip and another for the scale back to reasonable coordinates after the # log transform. flip_transform = transforms.Affine2D.identity().scale(1, -1) preskew_scale_transform = transforms.Affine2D().translate(30, p_bnd_pre_trans[1])\ .scale(pre_T_scale_factor, pre_p_scale_factor).translate(self.T_min, self.p_min) postskew_scale_transform = preskew_scale_transform.inverted().translate(0, p_bnd_post_trans[1])\ .scale(1, post_p_scale_factor).translate(0, self.p_min) # Define a transform that basically does everything but the skew so we can figure out where the 1000 mb level is # and skew around that line. prelim_data_transform = log_p_transform + flip_transform + preskew_scale_transform + data_figure_trans marker = prelim_data_transform.transform(np.array([[self.T_min, 1000]]))[0, 1] # Add a translation to that marker point into the data-figure transform matrix. data_figure_trans += transforms.Affine2D().translate(0, -marker) # Define our skew transform in figure coordinates. figure_skew_transform = data_figure_trans + skew_transform + data_figure_trans.inverted() # Create our skew-T log-p transform matrix. It does the log-p transform first, then the flip, then the scale, # then the skew. self._stlp_data_transform = log_p_transform + flip_transform + preskew_scale_transform + \ figure_skew_transform + postskew_scale_transform + current_axes.transData # Create a blended transform where the y axis is the log-p, but the x axis is the axes transform (for adding # pressure labels and wind barbs). self._stlp_xlabel_transform = \ transforms.blended_transform_factory(self._stlp_data_transform, current_axes.transAxes) self._stlp_ylabel_transform = \ transforms.blended_transform_factory(current_axes.transAxes, self._stlp_data_transform) return @property def trans(self): """ The skew-T log-p transform as a matplotlib transform object. """ if self._stlp_data_transform is None: self._build_transform() return self._stlp_data_transform @property def p_min(self): """ float: The minimum pressure of the plot in hPa """ return self._p_min @p_min.setter def p_min(self, p_min): """ Setter for the plot's minimum pressure attribute Args: p_min (float): The new minimum pressure in hPa """ self._p_min = p_min if self._initialized: self._build_transform() @property def p_max(self): """ float: The maximum pressure of the plot in hPa """ return self._p_max @p_max.setter def p_max(self, p_max): """ Setter for the plot's maximum pressure attribute Args: p_max (float): The new maximum pressure in hPa """ self._pmax = p_max if self._initialized: self._build_transform() @property def T_min(self): """ float: The minimum temperature of the plot (at 1000 hPa) in degrees C. """ return self._T_min @T_min.setter def T_min(self, T_min): """ Setter for the minimum temperature of the plot (at 1000 hPa). Args: T_min: The new minimum temperature at 1000 hPa for the plot in degrees C. """ self._T_min = T_min if self._initialized: self._build_transform() @property def T_max(self): """ float: The maximum temperature of the plot (at 1000 hPa) in degrees C. """ return self._T_max @T_max.setter def T_max(self, T_max): """ Setter for the maximum temperature of the plot (at 1000 hPa). Args: T_max: The new maximum temperature of the plot at 1000 hPa in degrees C. """ self._T_max = T_max if self._initialized: self._build_transform()
[docs] def plot_skewt_background(self, staff=True, clip=False): """ Plots the background for the Skew-T diagram. Must be called first to initialize the plotting. Args: staff (bool): If True, draw a line for the wind staff. Default is True. clip (bool): If True, clip the top right corner of the plot. Default is False. """ current_axes = pylab.gca() current_figure = current_axes.figure current_axes.xaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) current_axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(NullLocator()) current_axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(NullLocator()) current_axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(NullLocator()) if self._stlp_data_transform is None: self._build_transform() _stlp_axes_transform = self._stlp_data_transform + current_axes.transAxes.inverted() linekw = { 'transform':self._stlp_data_transform, 'zorder':999, } plinekw = linekw if clip: for s in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: current_axes.spines[s].set_visible(False) (_dummy, clip_p_1), (clip_T_2, clip_p_2) = _stlp_axes_transform.transform(np.array([[0, 600], [0, 400]])) clip_region = np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 0.], [1., clip_p_1], [clip_T_2, clip_p_2], [clip_T_2, 1.], [0., 1.]]) clip_neg = np.array([[1., 1.], [1., clip_p_1], [clip_T_2, clip_p_2], [clip_T_2, 1.]]) clip_patch = Polygon(clip_region, ec='k', fc='none', lw=1.5, transform=current_axes.transAxes, zorder=1001) clip_neg_patch = Polygon(clip_neg, ec='w', fc='w', transform=current_axes.transAxes, zorder=1000) plinekw = copy.copy(linekw) linekw['clip_path'] = (Path(clip_region), current_axes.transAxes) linekw['clip_on'] = True # Draw the isobars. for p_line in self.p_lines: pylab.plot([self.T_plot_min, self.T_max], [p_line, p_line], color='k', lw=0.75, **plinekw) ax_x, ax_y = \ (self._stlp_ylabel_transform + current_axes.transAxes.inverted()).transform(np.array([[0, p_line]]))[0] if 0 <= ax_y <= 1: pylab.text(-0.01, p_line, "%d" % p_line, va='center', ha='right', transform=self._stlp_ylabel_transform, zorder=999) # Draw the isotherms. for T_line in range(self.T_plot_min, self.T_max + self.T_step, self.T_step): if T_line < 0: weight = 0.75 color = self.T_color_below_0 elif T_line > 0: color = self.T_color_above_0 weight = 0.75 else: weight = 1 color = self.T_color_0 pylab.plot([T_line, T_line], [self.p_min, self.p_max], color=color, lw=weight, **linekw) txt = "%d" if T_line < 0 else " %d" offset = (self.p_max - self.p_min) / (1050. - 100.) * 25 if self.T_min <= T_line <= self.T_max: pylab.text(T_line, self.p_max + offset, txt % T_line, ha='center', va='top', transform=self._stlp_data_transform, zorder=999) # Draw the dry adiabats. for th_line in range(self.th_min, self.th_max + self.th_step, self.th_step): p_th = np.arange(self.p_min, self.p_max + 10., 10.) t_th = (th_line + 273.15) * (p_th / 1000.) ** (2. / 7.) - 273.15 pylab.plot(t_th, p_th, color=self.th_color, lw=0.75, **linekw) for w_line in self.w_lines: p_w = np.arange(self.w_min_p, self.w_max_p + 10., 10.) td_w = temp_from_vapr(qv=w_line, p=p_w) pylab.plot(td_w, p_w, color=self.w_color, lw=0.75, linestyle='--', **linekw) ax_x, ax_y = _stlp_axes_transform.transform(np.array([[td_w[0], p_w[0]]]))[0] if 0 < ax_x < 1 and 0 < ax_y < 1: offset = (self.p_max - self.p_min) / (1050. - 100.) * 15 p_lbl = p_w[0] - offset td_lbl = temp_from_vapr(qv=w_line, p=p_lbl) pylab.text(td_lbl, p_lbl, "%d" % w_line, color=self.w_color, ha='center', transform=self._stlp_data_transform, zorder=999, fontsize=(matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] * 0.6)) # Draw the moist adiabats. for the_line in xrange(self.the_min, self.the_max + self.the_step, self.the_step): p_the_above = np.arange(self.p_min, 1010., 10.) p_the_below = np.arange(1000., self.p_max + 10., 10.) t_the_above = odeint(_malr, the_line + 273.15, 100 * p_the_above[::-1])[::-1, 0] - 273.15 t_the_below = odeint(_malr, the_line + 273.15, 100 * p_the_below)[:, 0] - 273.15 p_the = np.concatenate((p_the_above, p_the_below[1:])) t_the = np.concatenate((t_the_above, t_the_below[1:])) pylab.plot(t_the, p_the, color=self.the_color, lw=0.75, linestyle=':', **linekw) if staff: # Draw wind staff t_base = self.T_max - 5 pylab.axvline(x=t_base, color='k', lw=1., zorder=1002) if clip: pylab.gca().add_patch(clip_patch) pylab.gca().add_patch(clip_neg_patch) pylab.xlim((self.T_min, self.T_max)) pylab.ylim((self.p_min, self.p_max)) pylab.xlabel("Temperature ($^{\circ}$C)", labelpad=15) pylab.ylabel("Pressure (mb)", labelpad=35) # Make the resolution that savefig() uses be the same as the figure resolution (weird figures result if we don't # do this). matplotlib.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = pylab.gcf().dpi return
[docs] def plot_profile(self, t_snd, p_snd, **kwargs): """ Plot a temperature or dewpoint profile on the skew-T Args: t_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the profile temperature in degrees C. p_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the profile pressure in hPa. **kwargs: Any keywords that can be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() (see; note that if you pass in a transform, it will be overwritten). """ kwargs['transform'] = self._stlp_data_transform line = pylab.plot(t_snd, p_snd, **kwargs) pylab.xlim((self.T_min, self.T_max)) pylab.ylim((self.p_min, self.p_max)) return line
[docs] def plot_winds(self, u_snd, v_snd, p_snd, **kwargs): """ Plot a wind profile on the right side of the skew-T Args: u_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the u wind profile v_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the v wind profile p_snd (np.array): A 1-dimenionsal array containing the pressure profile **kwargs: Any keywords that can be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.barbs() (see; note that if you pass in clip_on or z_order, it will be overwritten) """ t_base = self.T_max - 5 stride = 1 idx_min = np.argmin(np.abs(self.p_max - p_snd)) idx_max = np.argmin(np.abs(self.p_min - p_snd)) if p_snd[idx_min] > self.p_max: idx_min += 1 if p_snd[idx_max] > self.p_min: idx_max += 1 thin_data = (slice(idx_min, idx_max, stride)) points = np.vstack((t_base * np.ones(p_snd.shape), p_snd)).T x, base_y = self._stlp_data_transform.transform(np.array([[t_base, 1000]]))[0] trans_points = self._stlp_data_transform.transform(points) trans_points[:, 0] = x axes_points = pylab.gca().transData.inverted().transform(trans_points) kwargs['clip_on'] = False kwargs['zorder'] = 1002 plot_xs, plot_ys = zip(*axes_points) pylab.barbs(plot_xs[thin_data], plot_ys[thin_data], u_snd[thin_data], v_snd[thin_data], **kwargs) return
def _plot_hodograph_background(self, max_ring, step_ring=10): pylab.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) pylab.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) for w_spd in xrange(step_ring, max_ring + step_ring, step_ring): ring = Circle((0, 0), w_spd, edgecolor='#444444', facecolor='none', linestyle='dashed', zorder=999) pylab.gca().add_patch(ring) if not (w_spd % (step_ring * 2)): pylab.text(w_spd, -2, "%d" % w_spd, color='#444444', ha='center', va='top', clip_on=True, clip_box=pylab.gca().get_position(), zorder=999) pylab.axvline(x=0, color='k', zorder=999) pylab.axhline(y=0, color='k', zorder=999) return
[docs] def plot_hodograph(self, u_snd, v_snd, p_snd, clip_p=200., bounds=(-20, -20, 40, 40), **kwargs): """ Plot a hodograph inset in the upper-right corner Args: u_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the u wind component v_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the v wind component p_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the pressure in hPa. clip_p (float): The pressure in hPa at which to cut off the line on the hodograph. The default is 200 hPa. bounds (tuple): The bounds for the hodograph as a tuple (u_min, v_min, u_max, v_max). The default is (-20, -20, 40, 40) **kwargs: Any keywords that can be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() (see """ u_min, v_min, u_max, v_max = bounds if not any(isinstance(a, InsetAxes) for a in pylab.gcf().axes): par_ax = pylab.gca() ax_width_inches, ax_height_inches = \ [f * a for f, a in zip(pylab.gcf().get_size_inches(), par_ax.get_position().size)] ins_ax = inset_axes(pylab.gca(), 0.4 * ax_width_inches, 0.4 * ax_width_inches, loc=1) max_speed = np.hypot(max(abs(u_min), abs(u_max)), max(abs(v_min), abs(v_max))) self._plot_hodograph_background(int(max_speed)) else: ins_ax = [a for a in pylab.gcf().axes if isinstance(a, InsetAxes)][0] par_ax = [a for a in pylab.gcf().axes if not isinstance(a, InsetAxes)][0] pylab.plot(u_snd[p_snd >= clip_p], v_snd[p_snd >= clip_p], **kwargs) pylab.xlim((u_min, u_max)) pylab.ylim((v_min, v_max)) return
[docs]def compute_parcel_trace(t_snd, td_snd, p_snd, prc_func=sb_parcel): """ Compute the parcel temperature trace Args: t_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional float array containing the environmental temperature td_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional float array containing the environmental dewpoint p_snd (np.array): A 1-dimensional float array containing the pressure prc_func (function): A function that returns the initial parcel temperature, pressure, and dewpoint (in that order) given the sounding temperature, pressure, and dewpoint (in that order). Some pre-defined functions are available in derived.parcel. Returns: A 1-dimensional array containing the parcel temperature trace. """ t_prc, p_prc, td_prc = prc_func(t_snd, p_snd, td_snd) ub_p = np.argmin(np.abs(p_snd - p_prc)) if p_snd[ub_p] < p_prc: ub_p -= 1 lcl_temp, lcl_pres = compute_lcl(t_prc, p_prc, sfc_td=td_prc) lcl_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(lcl_pres - p_snd)) if p_snd[lcl_idx] > lcl_pres: lcl_idx += 1 dry_adiabatic_pres = np.append(p_snd[ub_p:lcl_idx], lcl_pres) moist_adiabatic_pres = np.append([lcl_pres], p_snd[lcl_idx:]) dry_adiabatic_temp = (t_prc + 273.15) * (dry_adiabatic_pres / p_prc) ** (2. / 7.) - 273.15 moist_adiabatic_temp = odeint(_malr, lcl_temp + 273.15, 100 * moist_adiabatic_pres)[:, 0] - 273.15 return np.append(dry_adiabatic_temp[:-1], moist_adiabatic_temp), \ np.append(dry_adiabatic_pres[:-1], moist_adiabatic_pres)
[docs]def plot_sounding(u, v, p, t, td, file_name, hodograph=False, hodo_bounds=(-20, -20, 40, 40)): """ Plot a single sounding, optionally with a hodograph, and save to a file Args: u (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the u wind component v (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the v wind component p (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the pressure in hPa t (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the temperature in degrees C td (np.array): A 1-dimensional array containing the dewpoint in degrees C file_name (str): The name of the file in which to save the image hodograph (bool): If True, plot a hodograph in the upper-right corner hodo_bounds (tuple): Bounds on the hodograph as a tuple (u_min, v_min, u_max, v_max), if one is plotted. The default is (-20, -20, 40, 40) """ pylab.figure(figsize=(8, 10), dpi=150) stp = SkewTPlotter() stp.plot_skewt_background() stp.plot_profile(t, p, color='r', lw=1.5) stp.plot_profile(td, p, color='g', lw=1.5) stp.plot_winds(u, v, p) if hodograph: stp.plot_hodograph(u, v, p, bounds=hodo_bounds) pylab.savefig(file_name) pylab.close() return