pycaps.plot package


pycaps.plot.colormap_setup module

from_levels_and_colors(levels, colors, extend='neither')[source]

A helper routine to generate a cmap and a norm instance which behave similar to contourf’s levels and colors arguments. The contents of this code are identical to the from_levels_and_colors in more recent versions of matplotlib (which are not available in the python2.7 installation on the CAPS servers as of 21 Oct. 2015)

  • levels – sequence of numbers – The quantization levels used to construct the BoundaryNorm. Values v are quantizized to level i if lev[i] <= v < lev[i+1].
  • colors – sequence of colors – The fill color to use for each level. If extend is “neither” there must be n_level - 1 colors. For an extend of “min” or “max” add one extra color, and for an extend of “both” add two colors.
  • extend – {‘neither’, ‘min’, ‘max’, ‘both’}, optional. The behaviour when a value falls out of range of the given levels. See contourf() for details.

tuple containing a Colormap and a Normalize instance

Return type:

(cmap, norm)

thresh_setup(var, max=100.0, min=-100.0, tornado=False)[source]

A function to define default thresholds and colorbar for plotting various fields.

For unknown fields, passing in a max and min value will generate a generic 20-gradation colorbar. If max and min data are missing, -100 to 100 will be assumed as a last resort.

NOTE: “max” and “min” are only used when “var” is not found in the presets.

  • var – the name of the variable, passed as a string
  • max – OPTIONAL – the maximum value you’d want to plot (default: -100.0)
  • min – OPTIONAL – the minimum value you’d want to plot (default: 100.0)
  • tornado – OPTIONAL – A flag to set True if you’re plotting fields for a tornado and thus need to use otherwise extreme values for some fields (default: False)

a list of threshold values for contouring using contourf colormap: the name of a colormap to use from cb_ticks: which ticks to show in the colorbar for this field no_proportional: A flag to set to select equal spacing in the colorbar

Return type:


pycaps.plot.nexrad_color_tables module


pycaps.plot.ns_colormap module

pycaps.plot.plot_arps_xy module

xyplot(data, field, source, level, format='hdf', **kwargs)[source]

Plots a single HDF or NetCDF variable field (or field derived from history data) in the x-y plane, with options for various overlays. Grid data, such as that stored in an ARPS grdbas file, are required. Lambert conformal map projection will be used.

  • data – The 2D x-y slice to be plotted (e.g. u, v, pt, qr). Can be generated quickly using read_xy_slice.
  • field – The variable name (e.g. ‘u’, ‘v’, ‘pt’, ‘qr’). Needed to properly format your plot. Enclose it in single quotes.
  • source – The FULL PATH to the file containing the data for plotting.
  • level – The vertical (k) model layer on which to plot an x-y slice.
  • format – OPTIONAL – The file format for your input (currently, valid choices are “hdf” (default) and “netcdf”)
  • **kwargs – grdbas: The history file from which to read grid information (if different from ‘source’) h2: A second source file containing other data needed for plotting, if you have one. (example: Read reflectivity from one file, and wind data from another). name: A name to identify the data (may be used in plot title and output filename) truref: If reading from an ARPS file processed using ossedata (affects variable name and filename) this should be set to the full path to the truref file. addshape: Specify a shapefile to overlay data from. Requires the shapefile (and options) to be included in the shapefiles block in within the pycaps package. colormap: Used to specify a colormap from for use with this plot. If not provided, a default colormap choice appropriate to the variable will be used. pixels: A flag to set to True if you want a pixel (colormesh) plot instead of a contour plot. tornado: A flag to set to True if you are plotting values from a high-resolution tornadic dataset. Will choose appropriate values for relevant variables (e.g. wspd, p) imin: The i-coordinate of the west edge of your plot. If not given, default = 0 imax: The i-coordinate of the east edge of your plot. If not given, default = nx jmin: The j-coordinate of the south edge of your plot. If not given, default = 0 jmax: The j-coordinate of the north edge of your plot. If not given, default = ny qcbelow: If given, values below this threshold will be marked as missing/bad data. qcabove: If given, values above this threshold will be marked as missing/bad data. urban: A flag to set to True if you want to plot urban data (if not given, False by default). counties: A flag to set to False if you don’t want to plot counties (if not given, True by default). states: A flag to set to False if you don’t want to plot states (if not given, True by default). coastlines: A flag to set to False if you don’t want to plot coastlines (if not given, True by default). lat: If given, will plot lines of latitude at the given interval (in degrees). lon: If given, will plot lines of longitude at the given interval (in degrees). decompress: A flag to set to True if you’re using ARPS data with 32 bit integers mapped to 16 bit integers. Will call the decompression function if set to True.

<<nothing>> (Generates and saves the requested plot to a .png file)

pycaps.plot.pubfig module


Get a multipler for the size of text objects, a function of the diagonal length on the figure.

Parameters:fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – The figure to use. Defaults to none, meaning to use the current figure.
Returns:The size multiplier for the figure.

Get a subplot’s position in the figure layout.

Parameters:gs (gridspec) – A matplotlib gridspec object, perhaps obtained from the gs_parent keyword argument to your subpanel function.
Returns:A tuple containing the row and column of the subplot. Rows and columns are zero-based.
publication_figure(subfigures, layout, corner='ul', colorbar=None, hanging='bottom', dpi=300)[source]

Make publication figures out of many panels, automatically adding the subfigure letter and generating a figure colorbar.

  • subfigures (list) – A list of functions, each of which plots a panel of the figure. Each function should take **kwargs as arguments.
  • layout (tuple) – A tuple specifying how the panels are arranged (e.g. (2, 4) for a figure with 2 rows and 4 columns)
  • corner (str) – The corner in which to put the figure letter. Acceptable values are ‘ul’ for the upper-left corner, ‘lr’ for the lower-right corner, etc.
  • colorbar (dict) – A dictionary specifying how to create the figure colorbar.
  • hanging (str) – If the number of panels does not fit into the layout (e.g. 3 panels in a 2 \(\times\) 2 layout), this specifies where to have the incomplete row/column. Acceptable values are ‘left’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, and ‘top’.
  • dpi (float) – Set the figure dpi to be at least this amount. If it’s already more than dpi, don’t mess with it.

pycaps.plot.skewTlib module

Skew-T Plotting Library

class SkewTPlotter[source]

Bases: object

Plot Skew-T log-p diagrams



A list of the pressure lines (in hPa) to plot.



The color of the pressure lines



Minimum isotherm on the plot in degrees C.



The temperature difference (in degrees C) between adjacent isotherms.



The color of isotherms below 0 C



The color of the 0 C isotherm



The color of isotherms above 0 C



Minimum dry adiabat on the plot in degrees C (references temperature at 1000 mb).



Maximum dry adiabat on the plot in degrees C (references temperature at 1000 mb).



Temperature difference (in degrees C) between adjacent dry adiabats.



The color of the dry adiabats.



Minimum moist adiabat on the plot in degrees C (references temperature at 1000 mb).



Maximum moist adiabat on the plot in degrees C (references temeprature at 1000 mb).



Temperature difference (in degrees C) between adjacent moist adiabats.



The color of the moist adiabats.



A list of mixing ratio lines (in g/kg) to plot.



The starting pressure (in hPa) for mixing ratio lines.



The ending pressure (in hPa) for mixing ratio lines.



The color of the mixing ratio lines.


float: The maximum temperature of the plot (at 1000 hPa) in degrees C.


float: The minimum temperature of the plot (at 1000 hPa) in degrees C.


float: The maximum pressure of the plot in hPa


float: The minimum pressure of the plot in hPa

plot_hodograph(u_snd, v_snd, p_snd, clip_p=200.0, bounds=(-20, -20, 40, 40), **kwargs)[source]

Plot a hodograph inset in the upper-right corner

  • u_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the u wind component
  • v_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the v wind component
  • p_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the pressure in hPa.
  • clip_p (float) – The pressure in hPa at which to cut off the line on the hodograph. The default is 200 hPa.
  • bounds (tuple) – The bounds for the hodograph as a tuple (u_min, v_min, u_max, v_max). The default is (-20, -20, 40, 40)
  • **kwargs – Any keywords that can be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() (see
plot_profile(t_snd, p_snd, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a temperature or dewpoint profile on the skew-T

  • t_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the profile temperature in degrees C.
  • p_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the profile pressure in hPa.
  • **kwargs – Any keywords that can be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot() (see; note that if you pass in a transform, it will be overwritten).
plot_skewt_background(staff=True, clip=False)[source]

Plots the background for the Skew-T diagram. Must be called first to initialize the plotting.

  • staff (bool) – If True, draw a line for the wind staff. Default is True.
  • clip (bool) – If True, clip the top right corner of the plot. Default is False.
plot_winds(u_snd, v_snd, p_snd, **kwargs)[source]

Plot a wind profile on the right side of the skew-T

  • u_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the u wind profile
  • v_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the v wind profile
  • p_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimenionsal array containing the pressure profile
  • **kwargs – Any keywords that can be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.barbs() (see; note that if you pass in clip_on or z_order, it will be overwritten)

The skew-T log-p transform as a matplotlib transform object.

compute_parcel_trace(t_snd, td_snd, p_snd, prc_func=<function sb_parcel>)[source]

Compute the parcel temperature trace

  • t_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional float array containing the environmental temperature
  • td_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional float array containing the environmental dewpoint
  • p_snd (np.array) – A 1-dimensional float array containing the pressure
  • prc_func (function) – A function that returns the initial parcel temperature, pressure, and dewpoint (in that order) given the sounding temperature, pressure, and dewpoint (in that order). Some pre-defined functions are available in derived.parcel.

A 1-dimensional array containing the parcel temperature trace.

plot_sounding(u, v, p, t, td, file_name, hodograph=False, hodo_bounds=(-20, -20, 40, 40))[source]

Plot a single sounding, optionally with a hodograph, and save to a file

  • u (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the u wind component
  • v (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the v wind component
  • p (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the pressure in hPa
  • t (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the temperature in degrees C
  • td (np.array) – A 1-dimensional array containing the dewpoint in degrees C
  • file_name (str) – The name of the file in which to save the image
  • hodograph (bool) – If True, plot a hodograph in the upper-right corner
  • hodo_bounds (tuple) – Bounds on the hodograph as a tuple (u_min, v_min, u_max, v_max), if one is plotted. The default is (-20, -20, 40, 40)

Module contents